By eirlys
Do you talk to your plants?
Prince Charles was ridiculed because he once confessed that he talked to his plants. Well I have to confess I talk to one particular plant :George., and no, I’m not mad.
Our daughter named this plant George. When it grew “too large” she handed it on to us. George seemed to thrive for a while but then seemed to collapse overnight.
My husband took cuttings and I took over their care. Two have taken and are doing well.
Now this is where you “real” gardeners start scoffing. I have started talking to the re-incarnated George every time I water him. So far he has not replied, but every day he grows stronger and new leaves appear.
So, have you ever talked to a plant, or even Heaven forbid, sworn at it and then been surprised because it died
9 Mar, 2013
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I talk to them when I plant them and wish them a long and happy life, but after that they are on their own! lol
9 Mar, 2013
Yes i talk to plants and on occasions gently massage the leaves if they look poorly that usually after i have had a glass or two,the fish respond my voice means food.
Swearing is reserved for just one thing, other than Man the most destructive thing on the planet Squirrel.
9 Mar, 2013
Gosh yes !!!!!! all the time, inside houseplants, the cacti, when my seedlings are sprouting in the g'house I tell them if they are doing well and also stroke my hands across them, it supposedly encourages stronger stems, outside in the garden, I even apologize if I stand on one by accident, lol.. I chatter away to the birds , my fish and always talk to my cats and the dogs as I work.........
9 Mar, 2013
I must 'fess up too . Most plants are girls for some reason , but the occasional boy gets in .
They get special gentle coaxing if they aren't well .
9 Mar, 2013
George is a lovely plant. Good job you talk to him :o)
I must say I never talk to my plants. Maybe I should try it ...
I'm usually talking to myself lol
9 Mar, 2013
I talk to my plants, not always gently though. I'm growing some coleus seedlings and all the first leaves that have come through are green, so I've threatened them, shown them the lovely colours on the plants on the seed packet and told them that if they don't get their act together and start looking like that then they'll be binned! I might be slightly mad but it was fun.....and they'd better listen....
9 Mar, 2013
I talk to my plants and have great respect for them, they know I love them, I stroke them as I pass them :)) I also chose them over my marriage...crazy I know, LOL.
9 Mar, 2013
Im forever talking to my plants! In fact every morning my two children and I don our robes and slippers, I grab my coffee and we take our ritual garden walk to talk to them all :-) It is beautiful to see the respect that it has taught my children towards their surrounds. They pick up rubbish, check temperatures, moisture and pH.
Our pets follow closely and native birds wait for my daughter to fill the feeders. Frogs croak their chorus and fish google eye back at the kids. Penny turtles come to the surface to say hello!
We touch, smell nurture and talk our way around our home in preparation for what the day brings. Its a great way to bond and destress with the kids and they are learning so much! I never knew how important it was until one day the kids slept in and I decided to let them sleep while I went on the garden walk. Im still hearing about it from my son!
10 Mar, 2013
Hywel , usually get the best answers from yourself .
Louisa , try singing to them , you might like that too .
Welcome , Atooley , that sounds a great morning walk that you all do together .
11 Mar, 2013
BJS: I "massage" George with Dettol wipes. OH was horrified when he saw what I was doing. He is the gardener: I am the one who "suggests". Strangely, I am the one who spots the unusual plant in a garden centre. I've even been known to baffle the expert section at the GC with a question.
Louisa: I had a book about ESP once and the experiments done by Russian scientists in the days of the Cold War.
Plants were burnt with a cigarette, and, with a special camera the result was noted. The plants used to shrink when that particular person entered the room. Others have refuted this notion - just as well.
Hywel: I was shocked the other day when my daughter told me to "stop talking " to myself. She said she could hear me!! I was THINKING at the time.
12 Mar, 2013
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Yep talk to them all the time eirleys lol, usually to say how lovely they're looking :-) and the fish in the pond, cat as well although sure he understands every word :-)
Must work your plant looks great :-)
9 Mar, 2013