My garden
By elenad
I like gardening but I can’t believe how much work there is to be done even in the smallest of gardens.
Soon, it will be the beginning of Novembre so I can stand back and relax for a while.
However, I still need to do some last minute preparations: changing the flowers in the hanging baskets, planting the winter pansies, crocusses and snow-drops, finish the narrow path to the shed and … that’s all !
28 Oct, 2011
More blog posts by elenad
Good morning Middlesex. Middlesex is calling.
I am sure you will manage to finish everything in good time. I decided myself to grow only shrubs and perennials direct on the ground. I am getting lazy and want a very low maintenance garden from now on. I had my busy time before going as far as winning first prizes in shows.
All the best.
29 Oct, 2011
I keep changing things round in my garden but I don't think it will ever be perfect!
Welcome to GoY! Be careful you don't get addicted!
29 Oct, 2011
You never actually finish working in a garden. There's always something to do. That's one of the reasons I like it so much ...
Welcome to GoY
29 Oct, 2011
Welcome to GoY.
I agree with Hywel ... garden work is never completed ... but it sounds like you are doing very well with your garden. :o)
29 Oct, 2011
Welcome from me.
I only started gardening this year and cannot believe what hard work it is.
There is always something that needs doing and I never seem satisfied so am always changing and moving things about.
I was deluded enough to think of sitting on my bench of an evening relaxing, no way as soon as I sit down I see another thing that needs doing.
29 Oct, 2011
Welcome from me too. No wonder gardeners live to a ripe old age, they are too busy waiting and watching for the next big event like a seedling popping through to have all the cares of 'normal' people. Good luck with all your chores and because it is a garden you won't be allowed to stop at the end of this list because it is an endless cycle. The list of jobs might lessen in the winter but they are just as fulfilling.
29 Oct, 2011
Like most of them on here say gardens are never finished. Welcome to GOY, hope you enjoy being with us all.
29 Oct, 2011
Thank you very much to all of you for a nice welcome. I have to say, I don't dare calling people to come and see my garden because most of the time I see it as 'unfinished' but with you, it's different. You know all about it and I'm sure you will encourage rather than 'criticise' the look of it.
Today, the weather was incredible ! I've managed to re-pot the small hanging baskets from the front of the house - I'll take a picture of them, as soon as I'll have the 'courage' to be seen by the neighbours doing this :) - and I planted the pansies, the crocusses, the snow-drops and ... it should be finished.
But, as soon as everything was 'in place', I thought to myself - let's go tomorrow and buy some small cyclames and spread them around the wooden border.
So, I'll keep you posted. :)
29 Oct, 2011
Welcome to GoY.. Gardening is addictive but so is this site, it's full of interesting gardens and ideas and very helpful people. Enjoy!
29 Oct, 2011
Welcome to GoY. Glad to see you are enjoying yourself in the garden and apparently have a very helpful OH. I've only started gardening properly this year and like you can't believe how much there is to do. Hope you will share photos of your endeavours in the garden :) Enjoy.
29 Oct, 2011
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The work in a garden is endless, but the rewards are wonderful. Sounds like you still have a busy time ahead of you. I am starting a large garden off virtually from scratch & thoroughly enjoying it, as is my OH, who at this very moment is enthusiastically digging up several different areas in the back area to plant in some lovely native trees/shrubs/cordylines I bought yesterday .... & the ground is very soggy due to heavy rain yesterday & overnight. But the sun is out now & the sky is blue & it is turning into a lovely warm spring day.
28 Oct, 2011