Beach walk, Green Bay, NS
By elke
A sunny almost-summer Sunday morning had us out on a short beach walk after breakfast. Here are a few photos – including gardens!! – of what I saw along the way.
Here’s the beach – it’s a series of small coves with rocky outcrops in between.
The first thing I noticed was a mother eider on an outing with her ducklings.
She was teaching them to dive:
It’s warm enough for shorts:
Dusty Miller (Senecio cineraria), which grows wild on the beaches and dunes here:
The second cove:
Remains of a line of quartz that intruded the granite millions of years ago. Thanks to the wave action, we are now privileged to see it:
The next cove:
Here comes Patrick:
Beach pea (Lathyrus japonicus) bloom:
After Hurricane Juan hit this coast in September 2003, the council placed large boulders all along the road behind the beach to prevent further damage to the road and houses beyond. Nature is taking over once more – tall, wiry grass, beach peas and Dusty Miller.
A pretty pond alongside the road, dotted with yellow water lilies (Nymphaeaceae Nuphar variegatum):
Close-up of the water lillies (Nymphaeaceae Nuphar variegatum):
A pretty entrance. Note the bottles of drinking water – the well water is probably not that wonderful this close to the beach:
Wild blueberries growing amongst the rocks:
A perfect name for this cottage:
Bunch berry / dwarf dogwood blossoms (Cornus canadensis):
A beachside cottage:
A closer look at the enormous poppies:
A single poppy:
And a double:
A columbine growing out of a stone wall:
Living alongside the beach:
And here we are back home again. The front beds are becoming colourful.
7 Jun, 2009
More blog posts by elke
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Thanks Wagger - thought you might need a bit of sea and sunshine over there - although it looks quite nice today on the web cam, you're a bit far from the sea. I lived in Chesham and High Wycombe for a few years while I was at HWCTA. Loved the walks over the Chilterns.
7 Jun, 2009
My sister lives in Chesham! Beautiful county but I think I like where your living now better!
7 Jun, 2009
Isn't it a small world? I was at HWCTA (now it's a university I think?) from '65 to 69, and lived with relatives in Chesham the first year. I recently looked at some photos of the town and couldn't recognize much. I liked it there, but I'm sure it's far less a 'small country town' now.
Yes, I like it here in NS!
7 Jun, 2009
Its changed a great deal since my sis moved there and not for the best. She lives in the old part near the Queens Head
7 Jun, 2009
A lovely blog Elke. Beautiful scenery and a great coastline. Must be a wonderful place to live.
7 Jun, 2009
Lovely walk Elke,thanks for sharing especially on what has been a dreadful weekend weatherwise,a real pick me up..........
7 Jun, 2009
What a beautiful place you live in, it looks so clean, especially the sand, and the views are amazing.
I know nothing about NS so I enjoyed your photographs of the ocean and the plants, thanks.
7 Jun, 2009
Glad you all enjoyed it. It's another glorious sunny day here today, and I'm actually managing to dig and weed a bit.
8 Jun, 2009
Great blog..The poppies are beautiful that you told me of.
Nova Scotia is a beautiful province. I spent a wonderful week in Cape Breton a few years back but was busy with wedding preparations there, so didn't get to see much. The people there are amazing, so friendly and welcoming and we partied like nova scotians. Which is a lot like newfie partying. lol.
21 Jun, 2009
One of our friends here is from Newfoundland (Saint John's). Her family visited last year for her 65th birthday, and I decided then and there I wanted them to adopt me. Such fun!!
21 Jun, 2009
I live in St. John's, but a baygirl at heart....It's a good spot, but "around the bay" is where you get good parties, like those I experienced in Cape Breton. The lovely cook up for crab legs day after the wedding on the beach was a nice touch. We truly hated to leave, and will be going back there some day..
21 Jun, 2009
And which 'bay' would that be around, NN? (for when I visit)
3 Jul, 2009
I'm from Bonavista, originally. It's a popular place for tourists. Let me know when you'll be in my neck of the woods..who knows I might have some crabapple jelly for you to try (it's now a goal of mine to make that, lol).
3 Jul, 2009
Thanks NN! I had heard the expression 'bay girl' but didn't know where it referred to. Still rain and fog here - when will summer come??? Are there lots of icebergs off the coast? My son just got back from the eastern Arctic and was able to 'walk' off the island on the ice for the first time in 4 years, instead of having to leave in a hurry before it suddenly broke up. It's been unusually cold. That must affect you too, with the Labrador current. Good luck with the jelly - we just found an extra jar from last year - thought it was all used up!
3 Jul, 2009
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Enjoyed the walk with you, Elke. Just a shame I couldn't feel the sun on my back, lol. Lovely blend of blue and yellow.
7 Jun, 2009