My favourite season
By expats
I don’t know why; everthing in nature is ‘shutting down’ but there is something about autumn. The smell of bonfires, the incredible colours, geese heading south, the start of oncoming frosts, etc. that stirs some ancient part of my soul.
Does anyone else have the same sort of feel? For me, it’s perhaps memories of childhood; mushrooms, nuts, conkers (pre H&S rules)…Ah, well perhaps it’s my age.
I’ve enclosed a photo, looking into my wood, and realising that, when I’m long gone, others will still see how lovely nature can be.
16 Nov, 2010
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I have mixed feelings about Autumn, I hate that everything is looking past its best in the garden, but I like planning for next year.. I like the sunny frosty mornings, but hate scraping it of my windscreen...I love the long walks with my dog with no one around when the weather is wet, but hate cleaning my boots afterwards... I hate the wet muddy lawn, but love the fact I dont have to cut it until next year......
But just looking at this picture, makes your heart sing :0)
16 Nov, 2010
so its a love/hate relationship dido?
16 Nov, 2010
Yep suppose thats the top and bottom of it Sticki, like lots of other things in life you have to feel the pain to enjoy the pleasure.. oooh getting a bit deep for a Tuesday morning lol
16 Nov, 2010
i dont like the pain bit!
have to go and do some work now ~ thats painful!
16 Nov, 2010
I love autumn perhaps because its my birthday and my wedding day and my husbands birthday all in the first week of November. Roasting chestnuts and baked potatoes in the bonfires, bonfire night, rustling leaves, crisp frosts making its own art! I agree about the smells lovely.
16 Nov, 2010
But the cup of tea and feet up when your finished sticki will be heaven ! ;o)
16 Nov, 2010
yes dido thanks
baked potatoes drc ~ oooh i love those, crisp skins and that golden butter sliding down inside the fluffy potato!
16 Nov, 2010
16 Nov, 2010
16 Nov, 2010
Ah such romantic thoughts, but glad I dont have to get up and light the fire and sit shivering till it gets going - those where the days
16 Nov, 2010
Did you hold the newspaper in front of the fire to cause a draught Stroller?
16 Nov, 2010
my mum did and my grandma ~ i can see them now!
16 Nov, 2010
It used to fascinate me when my gran did it, couldn't understand why it never caught fire...well hardly ever
16 Nov, 2010
i remember my dad putting in central heating with a friend to help ~ they put a great big old boiler in and painted all the radiators ~ they had to rub the rust off them first tho!
16 Nov, 2010
Wow you were posh having central heating... I can see this going down the "I used to live in a shoebox" route, do you remeber the Monty Python sketch? LOL
16 Nov, 2010
(Ah such romantic thoughts, but glad I dont have to get up and light the fire and sit shivering till it gets going - those where the days
We still do (well almost).
Our winter cooking and downstairs heating is done on a big woodburning stove; the sitting room has a 14KW woodstove and heats the rest of the house.
The stoves are lit most mornings in Autumn but we leave them on low overnight in winter so they're going 24/7.
After a few days the granite walls heat up and the house stays lovely and warm.
We have back-up oil-filled electric heaters for the odd cool evening in late spring/early autumn but very, very rarely use them.
There's nothing like sitting in front of a woodburner and imagining images in the flames; it's better than TV.
We toast thick slices of bread in front of it; all it would take is, "Journey into Space", on the radio and I'd be back in my childhood.
16 Nov, 2010
My dad made a screen to hold in front of the fire in the sitting room, I well remember toasting in front of it and also dad doing chestnuts at xmas. Can also remember a lady who lived opposite used to deliberately set her chimney alight on purpose to clean it,!!!!!!!!!!!
That photograph is lovely, would make a good jigsaw scene, with all those shades......
16 Nov, 2010
This is a trip down memory lane for me ... Mum used to clean the grate out and let the budgie fly around the sitting room at the same time ... it sometimes perched on her hair while she was at the grate .... you can see where this is going? Yes, she carried the dustpan of ashes to the outside bin ... the budgie was still on her hair ... flew off ... never saw it again! : o (((( Ooh yes ... there was a 'rag-rug' in front of the fire ... lovingly made by my Granny! Expats ... almost drooling now at the thought of real toasted-by-the-fire bread. : o )))))
16 Nov, 2010
_That photograph is lovely, would make a good jigsaw scene, with all those shades_
Shame about the telephone cable. Sadly, I'm not au fait enough to figure out how to erase it from the photo.
16 Nov, 2010
it would be a very difficult jigsaw ~ think i would like it as a picture on the wall. i used to make toast in front of the fire with one of those special toasting forks ~ and crumpets on sundays!
16 Nov, 2010
think we all posted at the same time! have to go round to the black country museum now and see it all done again ~ rag rugs, bacon grilled over the fire etc etc
16 Nov, 2010
i like roast chestnuts and sitting in front of a big log fire . walking tro leaves and just getting out on a nice day lol. miss the garden and being in it all day . but we have had some nice days here.... and still got flowers as well ;o)))
every one hankers after wood burners and country crafts now ... wot goes around comes around lol. x
16 Nov, 2010
been sitting in my garden today, drinking coffee under a blue sky!!
16 Nov, 2010
I remember helping my mum to make rag rugs, the toasting forks lovely.I also remember the frost inside the windows..horrible....cosy hot water bottles in a home knitted cover.. vests in fine wool, and liberty bodices with those rubber buttons..oh,so many memories..:o)..why were they called liberty bodices?
16 Nov, 2010
I know this answer, which makes a change! They 'liberated' women from the constraints of boned corsets. And no, I don't remember either, far too young ... lol! : o ))
16 Nov, 2010
Thanks for that Shirley,fountain of all knowledge..:o).I never thought of that...You were making sure you got that last bit in..surely,you didn't think I would make a comment???Lol. I don't remember being free from constraint..all muffled up,..and I can still remember that rubber button smell...ugh.
16 Nov, 2010
: o ))))
16 Nov, 2010
we weren't posh dido and we had no tv, no radio till i was 8 and then only heard news, listen with mother and story time!
i fancy sitting in front of that log burner right now making toast ~ its cold and miserable here today!
17 Nov, 2010
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how beautiful!, yes i like autumn, always have ~ but maybe cos my birthday is in the autumn? or because that was the start back to school which i loved, with all the new books and of course hockey!
i love the golden colours and kicking the leaves, even sweeping them. im fascinated by conkers ~ that mahogany red just like french polish when they come out of their snug little shells.
we live next to a wood and i love it ~ i feel alive when im in that wood, i can breathe! i cant explain it ~ i think its having air and space to myself!?
your stone built house looks set to be there for another hundred years at least ~ its wonderful.
i dont mind the nights getting darker either, its cosy inside with the fire on and the curtains closed or a warm kitchen with the lovely smell of baking ~ thats autumn to me!
16 Nov, 2010