Autumn Falls...
By floribunda
It seems a while since I last added a blog to GOY, and I have missed you all very much..
As Bornagain would say, I was ‘Lured to the other side’, lol, which basically meant that I had started to publish my poetry and articles on a Writing site, which has proved all too time consuming, and kept me away from you, my Goy friends who have supported me over the last year and a half, and boy, I have missed you all!
Before I knew it, Autumn was at my door, knocking loudly to say that the seasons were passing by all too swiftly..
So, as this is my favourite time of year, I thought that I would take a look through my photos to share my Autumn garden with you all..
I was born an Autumn child, so I must admit, I truly love this time of year…even that nip in the air of a morning and evening, that tells you that the earth is starting to cool down a little, and Summer flowers are starting to fade…Where has this year gone my friends?
I will enter my 50th year this month…The outer shell may be slightly tarnished and showing its age, but the inner me is still ever youthful..Staying this way inside, keeps you feeling young..and sharing such delightful company as you, my fellow Goyers, keeps me smiling….\0/x
I hope that you enjoyed my Autumnal journey through my garden, and to complete it, I thought, (if you don’t mind), I’d add a poem I had written to celebrate Autumn’s seasonal kiss…To all fellow Gardeners everywhere…
Autumn’s Kiss…
The Autumnal nip is in the air,
as days are passing swiftly by..
Where did the Summer slip away?
as her flowers fade and die..
I felt the change within the air..
The season begins to slowly drift..
And then for me, it was confirmed,
when on my skin, her Autumn’s kiss.
Entering this world of ours..
I was born in Autumn’s arms..
And as I grew, September-child,
Her season’s beauty brought such charm..
So sad as I may seem to be,
that Summer’s wonder, now takes flight…
I welcome her Autumnal kiss..
My heart rejoices at the sight..
So let me wander through the lanes..
Surround me with your cloak of gold..
And burnished leaves, like coloured gems,
are scattered, by the breezes roll..
And I will step among your gown,
of russet red and orange hues..
Delighting in your fiery tones..
As tumbling leaves you start to lose..
So let this child, September-born,
embrace your Autumn palette fine..
And though I know you’re soon to rest,
as Winter’s not so far behind..
To observe her final flourish..
Let me write of Autumn’s bliss..
As this morning I arose,
and felt the touch of Autumn’s kiss..
It’s Good to be back….. Flori, \0/x
2 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Cinderella's Secret Garden...
Next post: Flori's Return...An Update..
Hello Flori, lovely to see you back! I love autumn too - it's going to be a golden September!
What is the plant in the 4th picture with the White bells?
You are very clever with your poems, I love the third verse with the cloak of gold and the burnished leaves.
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Flori, lovely to have you back. Beautiful photos as always, the garden must look magical. Love the poem as well, clever girl, and Happy Birthday for whenever it is.
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Bloomer, Sticki and Cinders\0/, it is good to be back...sorry if it felt like I had deserted you all,because you really haven't been far from my thoughts, and am hoping to catch up with everyone and their blogs over the next few weeks.. There really isn't any community as sweet as you lot, though I have met some fabulous friends on Wikinut, all like-minded writers.
I will be 50 on the 14th, Cinders, a true Virgo maiden, lol! It's yours soon too, isn't it Sticki?
So good to be back with you all again, and yes, Bloomer, I am sure that it will degenerate into our usual silly blog, it usually does! Raff is still doing well..Will update my blog on him soon.
Glad you all liked the poem...and picts. The bell flower plant is a Clematis Rehderiana, Sticky. It smells of cowslips, and is VERY rampant, so be warned! lol...It is a native of China, and can go 25ft, (7 mtrs)...Oh I have missed you good to be back with you again! \0/X
3 Sep, 2011
Good to hear from you again, Flori, you have definitely been missed on here! ... Has your lovely poem been published yet? ... I am also a Virgo .. yet really don't think I conform to the qualities Virgoans are meant to have! ... No artistic side to me whatsoever ... :o(
3 Sep, 2011
oh join the club shirley ~ which day is yours?
flori ~ will you really have time to catch up on all the blogs ~ you have to see terratoonies blog ~ its not the last one about sheds ~ its the one before!??
it must be time for a long blog meandering somewhere!!!?
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Shirley T, great to hear from you too! Yep, poem got published on Wikinut a few weeks back. I joined in February of this year, and have about 160 plus pages on there, mainly poetry, but also a few articles, and have had over 137000 views, so am a bit chuffed at that, as poetry doesn't usually get that much interest...This is my page link, if anyone fancies checking out my work on there..
I am known as Songbird B on there, if you haven't
Look at this...three Virgo's all in a row! Do tell us when yours is too, Shirley..
Yes, Sticki, I will certainly do my best to catch up on everyone again..and will check out Terra's blogs too..thanks for letting me know...Oh I love being back here again!!! Here's to chuckles galore...\0/x
3 Sep, 2011
virgos would have to be in a neat row flori ~ goes with the territory!!
3 Sep, 2011
How true is that..hahahaha..methodical little souls that we are, Stiki...\0/x
3 Sep, 2011
Hi so nice to hear from you, pleased you are keeping well, loved your blog photos and poem, i have to admit i'm not on here as much as i use to, can't keep up with all photos and feel quilty at missing some of them. think i'll just stick to coments on the blogs.
3 Sep, 2011
Hi Clarice\0/ Oh I know what you mean..I got so overwhelmed by so many photos that I soon fell behind, but I am hoping to catch up on blogs as and where I can..So good to see you here my friend..It is great to be back among you all
3 Sep, 2011
It is nice to have you back, its alright being on here, but i find if i was to keep up with photos and blogs i would not get anything done in my house or garden, and with being on my own theres nobody to share the jobs with, think i'd better get the violin out now :o))) ..xx
3 Sep, 2011
Lovely to hear from you Flori, and I love your Poem too, clever girl. Autumn too is my favourite season and I too love that nip in the air first and last thing and the warmth from the sunny days, all too short. Enjoy your gardening, dont go away again.
3 Sep, 2011
i dont look at all the photos ~ nor all the blogs although i try to keep up with all my favourites and sometimes look in on others ~ i still dont get anything done clarice!!!
3 Sep, 2011
lovely to see you back Flori and glad your enjoying your new found talent, love the poem, clever girl.
your catching me up in years now Flori, so think i will wait now so not to leave you behind haha.
iv not been on as much lately so much going on and with my art just cant fit it all in, but like you we never forget our wonderfull friends on GOY.
take care
sandra xx
3 Sep, 2011
I logged on today and there before my eyes,
Our Flori was back! What a wonderful surprise.
Believe me my friend, you have been sorely missed,
And to celebrate your return, I'm gonna get . . . . . . . the kettle on!
I always was more Milligan than Byron
Welcome home ;-)
3 Sep, 2011
Oh...coming back are you?....
Missed us all did you?....
Think you'll be welcomed with open arms do you?...
You are so right \0/ \0/ \0/ Welcome back Flori:-)
Are all these pics now or are some from last year? If now, you are so far ahead of us here. Your garden is looking fabulous, no wonder you love autumn! I also love your garden chairs, especially that one with the diamond back...a couple of them would look lovely on my little quarry tile birthday's in March by the way:-] (ingratiating smile) know the address:-)
50 eh? You'll start getting all those things in the post about making your will lol as if being 50 isn't bad enough! Mind you, I'd swap, now I look on it as young:-)))
4 Sep, 2011
You will now be SAGA's best customer Flori!!!! Lol.
4 Sep, 2011
ooooooooooooh flori have missed you and your wit and banter hun ................. soo gud to have you back !!
not bin on much as so busy with work , just pop on now and again ................ love your pics and the poems gawjuss ........
love chris , rosie ................. xx
4 Sep, 2011
Hi Grandmage, Sticki, San, Muddy (You sweet-talker, you!lol), Cris, it's good to be back, and Ba...well I guessed that I'd get grief off of you, lol, but oh it is good to see you all again... (See Ba, those messages you were leaving me on 'The Other Side' as you call it, did get noticed)...hahhahahaha..
Some of the picts are of Autumn last year, though our apples were two months early this year! I'll pop the chairs in the post to you Ba...yeah right! tee hee hee...Now I have some blogs to catch up on...\0/xxx
4 Sep, 2011
Nice to see you back again Flori.........lovely pics and poem....
4 Sep, 2011
Hi Holly...This still has to be one of the best places to be..Thanks for looking in on me...It is so good to see you again..
4 Sep, 2011
good to see you again flori.... : O )
5 Sep, 2011
you snuck in while I was sunning myself on the south coast-- yes folks we had summer -- last friday-- and it was glorious, as are our Floris blogs ( as usual)---I'm a may baby and do prefer spring when the dark nights are Going instead of Coming....:~( and although the autumn colours are glorious think of daffodils and bluebells set against green lawns) each to our own and all for Flori \0/\0/\0/
nice to have you back my friend.....
7 Sep, 2011
Great to be back, Pam\0/..All right for some eh? Sunning themselves while poor old souls like me are up to my elbows decorating....Our house is tiny, yet it feels like as fast as I finish one room, the next needs to be done...what is that all about?????
I am making paint-splattered clothing a fashion statement...What do you think Ba? Another idea for your Tankini fashionwear emporium? hahahaha.
Lovely to see you back, Pam...\0/x
7 Sep, 2011
Perhaps you could show us a prototype Flori? we could have a GOY vote on your design...possibly a competition...have a word with Tet (B.A.Fashion Events Organiser) She's very good at this sort of thing:-))
8 Sep, 2011
Retro's back Ba so '60's 'anything goes'-- but I've not the legs for a mini.......
8 Sep, 2011
That was a lovely poem. I enjoyed reading it :o)
We never grow old inside. I say my body is 61 yrs old, .... but I am not my body, and I have no age.
I've also missed a lot of GoY this summer, and I'm slowly catching up with missed blogs. It's nice to come back on after being away for a bit. It's great to see you again \O/ x
8 Sep, 2011
Hi Flori! Nice to see you back on form. I'll certainly look at your 'efforts' on your other site. I enjoyed the poem you posted for us here - the photos, too, even if you did cheat a bit. lol.
\0/\0\ xx
8 Sep, 2011
What a lovely poem about Autumn Flori. You nearly persuaded me to convert to it being my favourite time of the year! Perhaps a lyrical poem about spring would delight the springaphiles among goyers. Lovely to see you back in form.
9 Sep, 2011
Should have guessed that you would plundering my poor old grey matter Ba, for design ideas..have you no shame woman??? LOL...Hi Pam, and you too Hywel, so lovely to see you here, have been trying to catch up with some of your blogs my friend. is a virtual ((((((((( HUG ))))))))...Will be catching up on your blogs too...Moi? Cheat? As if I would!!! Hi Dorjac, just for you I will work on a Springtime poem...Mind you, I do love Spring as well, and as we don't seem to be getting a Summer any more, or it is bypassing here in the UK, it really just leaves the coming approach of Winter..with its own stark beauty....Brrrrrrrr!
12 Sep, 2011
my garden still thinks it spring here sometimes hun ........... my magnolia susan has flowers again lol ............. heatwave due this week ........... i hope lol xxx
25 Sep, 2011
Hi Cris! You are so lucky! My garden looking tired and tatty at this time of the year, mind you, it has been a little neglected due to working on the house...Yes, Pamg told me that there is a heatwave next week too..Here's hoping my dear friend!!!! So good to see you again..Am trying to catch up with some of your blogs...\0/x
25 Sep, 2011
Leaf falling time is nigh, and the evenings draw in. Autumn is lovely to behold. Bulb planting. Tidying up the borders. Cutting back the straggly shrubs and tidying up the blackberry canes. Gathering in the fruit as it ripens......lots of jobs to stop me thinking about winter lurking to take over the golden days. I managed to find some of those hessian leaf sacks at the GC today, after torture time at the dentists. I owed it to myself to visit the GC after the hygienist's attentions!
26 Sep, 2011
haha just catching up myself lol ................... bin soooo busy !! anyway heat wave over now urggg back to dreay rain and cold .................. come back summer ................ xxxx
12 Oct, 2011
Great to see you Dorjac and you too Cristina..Yes, there is still plenty of work to do outside before Winter creeps in..Sunny here today so xxx
13 Oct, 2011
\0/ Hello Flori! Lovely blog as usual, and I'm glad to hear that Raff is getting along nicely. I must say it's interesting to see a very autumn-y England when Australia is just starting to swelter (it was 37 degrees today!) I do particularly like the autumn leaves :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Hi Pip! long time no hear! How are you my friend? So good to see you here on my blog.. Yes, it is becoming quite Wintry here now, and not long before the frost and snow hits us again...
I hope that all is well with you my friend! Did you get my card ok?
16 Nov, 2011
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\o/ \o/Flori..Welcome back,it is so nice to hear from you again..:o) A lovely poem,and so eloquently put..glad all has been going well for you,with your writing etc..I can understand how it takes up much of your time..but glad to see you have had time for your garden as looks wonderful,and some nice plants there..Hope Raffi is well,and your OH,is it going to be fun time again? silly blogs etc? ...We need something to sustain us,when winter approaches not much going on outside then..!.Lol.xx
3 Sep, 2011