Yummy marrow (never thought I'd say that!) plus other veg - based de...
By fluff
A girl at work says ‘do you like marrow?’ Last year I would’ve said ‘yuk…no thanks’ but I’ve learnt to try anything & everything these days to save the pennies so I said ‘yes please!’.
Brought it home…rather a large specimen too…wondering what on earth I was going to do with it other than use it for a door stop.
Vaguely remembered something my mother used to make 30 years ago & got out beef mince, onions, tinned toms & garlic…cobbled it all together with grated cheese over the top & actually it was so yummy we ate the lot! Well…don’t think it was too fattening…& we felt very saintly having eaten something so good for you…even if it was draped in cheese!!
We also regularly eat a cabbage dish with shredded savoy, chopped onion & chopped bacon all sweated for 20 minutes in a saucepan…absolutely scrumptious! Anyone else have any fave veg recipes?
I love all veg…except celery…there’s always an exception! It’s really good to see members with kids, growing veg & bringing them up used to eating them every day…instead of Big Macs & crisps…altho’ they have their place of course!!!
Oh & for your delight…a pic of next door’s latest gift to us ( they are always passing over their freaky veg! )…made my husband hold it up (ooh missus!)…spot the old sailor tattoo! ;0)
5 Aug, 2009
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Go on...try!! I dare you! Impressive isn't it?!!
5 Aug, 2009
thats a big one!!
x x x
5 Aug, 2009
sorry couldnt resist
I love marrow, my mum makes it for me, got one on order for saturday
yum yum
I hate sprouts!!
x x x
5 Aug, 2009
Oh no! I love sprouts...going to name - drop now but had an Xmas meal at AWT's restaurant near us ( paid for by my boss) & they did creamed sprouts...absolutely heaven! Sorry Mookins ... feeling nauseous?!
5 Aug, 2009
honestly they do make me gag
My mum always made me eat them up until my 14th birthday and then she gave me the choice. The years of watching me push them round the plate and smother them in red sauce to cover the taste finally she gave in
yuk yuk yuk yuk yuky
x x x
5 Aug, 2009
Don' put sprouts next to that OH NO!! such a funny shape
5 Aug, 2009
you are rude hehehe
x x x
5 Aug, 2009
Well Fluff did dare me !
5 Aug, 2009
Now you see Swanky...I thought it looked more like a musical instrument ...but your mind works otherwise!!
5 Aug, 2009
Im thinking my husbands exwifes nose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
x x xx
5 Aug, 2009
Its late and i'am going bed know !Sweet dream all
5 Aug, 2009
nite hun
Im off too
x x x
5 Aug, 2009
Nite you 2.
5 Aug, 2009
I was thinking along the lines of body parts............. It looks like my dads cauliflowered ear. Lol
5 Aug, 2009
Hay Mookins if your still here, Carol says Thank you :~))
5 Aug, 2009
I've never tasted a marrow althought I did win first prize in a show with one once when I was a teenager. My mother made something out of it but I wouldn't eat it lol.
5 Aug, 2009
OK: Sprouts - Hated them for years until I learned to cook them properly and not "launder" them for hours. Pop into boiling water for about 5 minutes, drain off, put the lid back on the saucepan and leave until 5 minutes before serving up. Melt butter in a small frying pan, add sprouts, shake around for 2 minutes then add chopped chestnuts. Delish!!!!!!!
Green beans and tomatoes - Fry a chopped clove of garlic in olive oil, add chopped tomatoes and cook until reduced. Meanwhile add chopped runner or French beans to a pan of boiling water and cook until tender. Drain, then combine with the tomato/garlic mix. Makes a lunch dish all on its own. Chopped bacon or ham can be added. Or sprinkle with grated cheese and grill.
Veggies are friends - enjoy! (That's "friends" NOt "fiends!")
6 Aug, 2009
your welcome Carol
x x x
Love veg hate sprouts
x x x
6 Aug, 2009
Sprouts are Carols FAVOURITE veg of all time, ever ever :~))))
6 Aug, 2009
oooh dont
just the thought makes me queasy
I can almost taste them at the back of my throat
how could you Carol
x x x
6 Aug, 2009
We've just recieved some seeds for purple sprouts ! ! ! :~))
6 Aug, 2009
I had the same problems - my boys love sprouts (did I bring them up wrong!!!) and when their friends came over they all said the same thing "yuk sprouts we hate them" but I said just taste mine and cos they saw my boys eating them tried them! I do not over cook them 5-6 mins in boiling water (not forgetting the cross on the bottom! - something my mum and nan used to do!) and thats it - they are still slightly crunchy and still "green" not yellow and mushy (my ex mother in law used to pressure cook hers - no dont get me started!!) and they then dont have that sulpher taste that makes people dislike them!!
They boys call broccolli "baby trees" and sprouts of course became "baby cabbages" (they like cabbage too!!)The only thing we dont eat in our house is celery also!!
6 Aug, 2009
mmm celery is lovely
dipped in salad cream or on its own
I like it cooked too
6 Aug, 2009
Nooooooo!!! That's so yuk...celery has a horrid taste...& celeriac! Mookins...you can have my share always!!!
6 Aug, 2009
thanks hun
I love how people are so different
x x
6 Aug, 2009
I had so many problems when I went veggie (for 3 years mind!) because I'm allergic to tomatoes, HATE onions & will only eat raw turnip,the smell when it's cooked is vile! as for sprouts, bleurrrrgh! And green beans are "punishment" food in our family!
9 Aug, 2009
green beans are heaven
I eat cucumber when I have trapped wind!!
sorry I know its rude but blimey Im windy both ends after eating it
x xx
9 Aug, 2009
Nu'uh! I like broad beans & haricot beans, but green beans make me gag! My dad literally used to make me eat them as a punishment, & if my stepmum forgets & puts them on the plate, I yell "What've I done now?" :~}
9 Aug, 2009
aaah bless ya
Cody has real trouble with veg, she checks each bit of her food before it goes in her mouth in case a bit is on it
(ive tried mixing it in with potatoes and all sorts and she cottoned on
if it was all pink she would probably eat it!!
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
So liquidise it & dye it pink! Beetroot would work!
9 Aug, 2009
thats not a bad idea!!
was thinking of dying but only thought of food colouring and I would rather she wasnt bouncing off the walls
will give it a try
cheers hun
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
Just boil some beetroot in water & use the juice. you could liquidise the beetroot too. But dont use the stuff in jars! All that vinegar, yuk!
9 Aug, 2009
My daughter Kayleigh ate all veg as a toddler...despised all veg as a young girl & now at 21 is cooking & eating cauliflower,runner beans,onions,tomatoes,lettuce,cucumber,sweetcorn,peas,courgette,sweet potato etc tho' she draws the line at root veg for some reason. I don't know how old Cody is but maybe she'll come round when she's older!
I could eat runner beans in any way...with butter,gravy,whatever & most other veg too but I can't stand celery as I said & I'm not too keen on turnips. Kayleigh's Scottish friend used to get in the back of the car when we picked her up to go somewhere, munching on a piece of raw 'neap'...as she called swede or turnip...Kayleigh was horrified!!
I used to liquidise veg & stir into spag bol sauce or cottage pie & she was none the wiser. However I do appreciate they have a sharp veggie radar if they think you are trying to dupe them!!
9 Aug, 2009
I love raw neeps, & used to go to the field, pick one, wash it in the burn (stream) I eat it! But i HATE it cooked!
9 Aug, 2009
will def try these techniques, shes 3 in october and can see a miniscule a mile off.
will perservere as you do
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
Holly was the same, she wouldn't touch her plate if it had any kind of veg (except mash) but now she will eat what she has grown herself, but not any that I planted. :~((
9 Aug, 2009
ive tried the veg that cody grew but she informed carrots are for rabbits and mummys!!
hehe gotta luv em
x x
9 Aug, 2009
You get arrested for beating them Lol :~))
9 Aug, 2009
oooh Ian
tut tut
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
Lol :~))
9 Aug, 2009
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Well what can i say about that pic thats printable!!!****????
5 Aug, 2009