Bulb relocation
By franl155
At the back of the garden gate there’s a narrow bed, which had loads of plants – or loads of a single plant – crammed in. I pulled one up, saw it was attached to a bulb, and quickly replanted it – if it was a bulb it’d probably be something I’d want to keep, whatever it was.
I dug the back-left corner, continuing to get rid of ivy and rocks in about equal proportions, then started taking up the bulbs. Some of them were huge – the fork is in the pic to give some scale.
Spent all day planting them – tried to spread them out to give them a chance. I put the biggest bulbs at the back, on the premise that they’d produce bigger plants.
Luckily I’d only dug up a few, cos it did my knees and my back in doing them. Still left loads more to do, which took me the next two days.
It feels like I did a hundred, so there were probably at least fifty! There were enough to do four rows, staggered, from around the Spirea up to the end and along the back to where I’d sown the “butterfly” seeds
They had to wait till the sun went down to get watered. They’ve not had much TLC since – need to get a couple of dozen more sacks of bark to help them along.
17 Jul, 2014
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A lot of hard work there Fran. Must repeat Scotkat's warning, don't over do it, there 's always tomorrow.
18 Jul, 2014
They will benefit from being split and maybe flower look like daffodil bulbs but they are so green still maybe because they were in the shade they have not died back but they should recover, fingers crossed for you - xxxx or maybe they are something that flowers in the Autumn like Nerines maybe, who knows, only time will tell.
18 Jul, 2014
Its fun watching you unearth things Fran, your gardens going to be a picture next year x
18 Jul, 2014
Ooh, that's a thought Mum. They could be Nerines. If they were daffs, you'd think Fran would have noted them in the spring. They do look like big bulbs....I hope they do well for you Fran. Good work! :))
18 Jul, 2014
Thanks Scotkat and Waddy and Olive and Pam and Karen.
I did overdo it, a tad – I was walking round like Quasimodo the day after the first session, but the other bulbs still needed doing, so … took me three days to clear the side bed completely and relocate all the bulbs, even the tiny babies which don’t show in the pictures. (This is one time when I sort of regret having a walk-in shower – no chance to soak in a Radox bath!)
I followed this up with another physical project (the blog of which I’m in the process of writing) so I had a week or so with physical exertion every day. After that I was walking round like Gollum! (well, it *is* “my precious”!)
I don’t remember seeing any flowers from them – were they daffodils, even I would have noticed that much of a concentration of them!
lol Olive for a moment I thought you meant splitting the bulbs in halves! Thought, no, I’ve got enough as it is, then read it again and the penny dropped. Durr.
Never heard of Nerines, will have to check them out, thanks for the suggestions
18 Jul, 2014
Nerines are very pretty and flower later on in the year, they like being in hot sunny positions, time will tell if thats what they are. They could be lots of things, the Nerines have a split flower bit like a posh hat, lol. Google it you will see them then. lol
18 Jul, 2014
thanks Olive. I tend to the philosphy of, If it wants to grow, let it, whatever it is (weeds excepted!). If only half of these come up, I'll have a lovely display
ps just Googled for "images" - how pretty!
18 Jul, 2014
I can see that you made a good start on your new garden Fran. It is much bigger than your other one, so you will have plenty more room to grow things...take care :-)
18 Jul, 2014
thanks, Richard. It is indeed! even the much smaller front garden is about three times as big as the garden at my old place - and real beds to plant in!
thinking about it, pretty amazing what I've done (or had done with the gardener's help) in only nine months, five of which were winter!!
19 Jul, 2014
I've been out in the garden quite a bit lately now that the weather has been good, well apart from a couple of thunderstorms..
20 Jul, 2014
had one of those yesterday, and plenty of rain to go with it - lol I only asked for a little rain to fill the water butts, shows that you have to be careful what you wish for!
but other than that, been more in the garden than indoors - think i overdid a couplf of days, out during early afternoon with not even a breath of air moving - ah well, that'll learn me - possibly!
20 Jul, 2014
Playing catchup Fran, if these do turn out to be Nerines which I would say they are as the bulbs are white, I also think you would have noticed daffs flowering in the springtime, anyway a tip on Nerines, they don't like to be buried deep, they prefer to feel the sun on them, bit like us really....took me years to figure out that why mine weren't flowering..
1 Aug, 2014
thanks, Lincs. these weren't buried very deeply, just enough to cover the bulb, and I'll put some bark on when I get a new supply, to help protect them and the ground. can't wait to see them start coming out!
3 Aug, 2014
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Wow you have been so busy Fran
Be careful you don't overdo it.
18 Jul, 2014