morning clouds
By franl155
140729 – 0542
nothing spectacular, just liked the way the light hit them – it was early enugh for the sun to strike upwards
1 Aug, 2014
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I have nights when I can't sleep, so end up satying up all night. This was one of them
1 Aug, 2014
Oh dear, poor you. I hate not being able to sleep.
1 Aug, 2014
I go to bed late, so I get up late, so I go to bed late ... and so on. And sometimes I go to bed late and can't sleep.
I've got no work, no regular daily routine, so there's nothing to anchor me to the clock. fine in one way, but not in others
1 Aug, 2014
Oh dear been there many a time, its really frustrating when you can't sleep and a bit of a vicious circle as you do get your sleep times a bit offtrack if it keeps happening, I'm a lot better now thank goodness, my daughter is terrible though and cannot reemember the last time she slept properly, its a symptom that many people with Arthritis suffer with I'm afraid and no matter what she tries nothing seems to work for her.......Nice pics Fran ..
1 Aug, 2014
no matter how tired i am, i can't swtich my mind off, it keeps going round like a hamster in a wheel! maybe i shoudl take to the bottle, lol, not really
2 Aug, 2014
If you like I can send you a breathing exercise that works for me.
3 Aug, 2014
I used to go to sleep with a radio in my ears Fran. Now I just go to sleep after a short read or just lie down and off to sleep. Even in this hot weather I have slept quite well. I wake up a bit early sometimes in the summer. So I water the garden or dead head and tidy up while it's still nice and cool. I used to see some lovely atmospheric dawns when called out to a delivery.
4 Aug, 2014
thanks, @ Stera, that mightbe very helpful. I used to do relaxation exercises, but the habit dropped and when i tried later I found my mind going all over place no matter how much i tried to conentrate, and eventually gave up again.
@Dorjac - envy you! i've never been able to do that, or I don't remember ever being able to do that. I went through a (sadly brief) phase of getting up at five or six am, but that was when I went to bed around ten pm the night beofre - one evening out put paid to all that! I did like gettng up that early - the whole day is in front of you, fresh, full of potential and incentive to do things.
4 Aug, 2014
I found I could fall asleep watching the tv in the living room so one night when I woke up I switched on the tv in the bedroom put the sleep button on and lo and behold I was fast on before I knew it. It works for me everytime, listening to something like BBC news 24 puts me out like a light. I find that if I am listening to something then my mind switches off and I drift off. Would be no good watching a scarey movie though as I would have nightmares. lol. Give it a try lol it just stops the mind from spinning around.
6 Aug, 2014
I have a 52" TV, and need to be within abouat a yard of it - not sure where I'd put one in the bedroom that'd be close enough for me to see! But I've started dozing off in front of the TV so switched it off and went to bed - and couldn't sleep. lol maybe I should try mentally replaying whatever it was that was sending me to sleep in the other room
ps and that's a yard aay with my specs on!!
6 Aug, 2014
Maybe a radio then with music playing would do the trick. Know about specs and seeing but not as bad as your eyesight. I cannot see the pictures clearly without my specs on and so put them on in the middle of the night and have woken up with them still on the next morning perched on the end of my nose or hiding somewhere in the bed clothes. lol. Hubby is the same I often walk into the bedroom after he has gone to bed to find him snoring away with the t.v. on and his specs perched on his nose end. lol. quite a funny sight. lol I must get a picture, (think maybe divorce would follow though) lol. best not to get proof. lol
7 Aug, 2014
I've got a "soothing sounds" machine, which has 5 options: got it set to "waterfall" but it doesn't sound that much like one, really. I've got lots of mp3s of rain, and that's the most soporific sound that I know, but how to get them from the PC to the bedsie?
I did buy a speaker box from RNIB, it has slots for USB so that music can be portable, but so far can't even get the damn thing to charge - something wrong with the lead.
I did buy snakk folding speakers from Amazon that also have USB slot, but I've got to find them!
7 Aug, 2014
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Lovely. You must be an early riser!
1 Aug, 2014