sink bulbs rehomed
By franl155
When I emptied the stone sink trough, I looked out for bulbs – I knew there were some in there, but I was amazed at how many I found – and I know I missed a lot, some were so small that they fell throught he sieve mesh – some I picked out, but it was a bit of a job, so I gave up – besides, it wasn’t as if I didn’t have enough already!
typically, I didn’t think to take a pic of the final result of collected bulbs.
I planted them a bit closer than I really felt comfortable with, thinking that if they took, I could separate them when they were big enough for me to see and to handle. But even so, they filled three troughs – overfilled the last one! I still had a good handful left over after I’d placed bulbs in that trough, so I just tipped them in and covered them. They’ll either grow or they won’t.
The fourth trough has another repot – I’d had a pot of narcissi Tete-a-Tete that I’d brought with me from the old place. Was surpseid to find two plant tags, both saying “grape hyacinth” – I’d have sworn the ywere narcissi. But still, I’m sure to find out in time.
1 Aug, 2014
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these bulbs haven't been repotted for a year at least; they were on the list to be done when I got this place, so they had to wait, then winter arrove, and then they were in flower ... I started out with six, I think, from Sainsbury, in a small ceramic pot; there were a dozen when I moved them to the pot, and now there's at least twenty. srue i didn't have that many grape hyacinth! but maybe i just cound't find a plain tag so wrote on the back of existing ones - i need large or long tabs to write on big enough to read later, which does limit me a bit!
once i know what they are, i'll label them properly - maybe label the troughs instead, then note what i put into each numbered trough. eventually they'll go in the ground, or a permanent raised bed or three.
3 Aug, 2014
I cut my plastic milk bottles up Fran, that way I can use a permanent marker pen that doesn't wash off, doing that I can make the label whatever size I like, I think that would help you plus its recycling and saving you money, even buying labels adds a bit to our gardening cost, sooner those few pence went on the living things, lol....
6 Aug, 2014
that's a good idea, Lincs - I certainly need something bigger than the average "matchstick"!!
I'm already using milk bottle bottoms for small-clothing containers; couldn't think what to do with the tops, so have been throjwing them away, but recently thoguht that they might make mini-planters.
Or, of course, plant tags!
6 Aug, 2014
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Yes thats true, I'm a devil for losing labels Fran but have been better at knowing what I have and where its planted since I started keeping track in my garden pages on here....Hope you are feeling better now, its a lot cooler now and the rains just started and forced me indoors but the garden is so dry and needs it so mustn't complain...
2 Aug, 2014