They say things happen in three's
By funkyfuchsia
Well today i was involved in a car accident, no one hurt, and witness to say it was not my fault, but car was badly damaged.
On Friday i am to be made redundant from work,
Well at least i will have more time for the garden,
What bothers me is what will go wrong next, Do you think i may win the lottery and be miserable for the rest of my life,
Not if i have anything to do with it, every cloud has a silver lining, and i just count my blessings evey day,
16 Jun, 2009
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Awwww, Funky. I'm sorry about your job, hun but I'm so glad you weren't hurt in the accident.
Keep your pecker up and you never know, you may yet win that lottery and if you do, then I'm sure you'll be the most miserable person ever, lol.
16 Jun, 2009
Thank goodness you are O.K. you can mend cars easily it people that don't always mend. It's a bummer about the redundancy though, in my case it was an E.R.V.R. package and I welcomed it but when you dont it not so good, keep doing the lottery 'gotta be in it to win it' and all that.
16 Jun, 2009
funky... I'm glad you're ok but the statement "things happens in 3's" always makes me laugh no matter who states it...Why might you ask...because people who choose to believe that statement always stop counting at 3. LOL while I worked at a nursing home we had had 6 residents pass within 2 months time. A co-worker was naming them off stating things happen in 3's. I stated no that is 6, she responded no... the first set of 3 and the second set of 3 lol. OK! I guess I'll start over after 3 LOL I truly hope it doesn't go beyond 3 for ya but prefer it stops at 2 in regards to bad things. Good things can happen in the millions for ya (just a lottery wish for ya) Take care
17 Jun, 2009
What bad luck Dave. I'm glad you were not injured. Sorry to hear about the job aswell but maybe you won't miss it when you get in the garden. Stay positive :o)
17 Jun, 2009
poor u. enjoy your extra time in the garden till u find a new job...;-))
17 Jun, 2009
FF ~ so glad to hear that you weren't hurt in the accident. The car is just a hunk of steel but a human is infinately more precious. Sorry to hear about your job too. That is always such a what I did and get a job doing something you love......grow fushias commercially!!! He he he.
17 Jun, 2009
~don't know what you were doing Dave but could you get a job in a plant nursery for the summer~best of both worlds!
If you are getting a good payoff then enjoy some free time for a few weeks!
Glad to hear you are not hurt~that's the upside!
17 Jun, 2009
terrible to hear you were involved in an accident but as they car a car can be replaced a human cant, so thank god you are ok after it.
17 Jun, 2009
Now that's a good idea from Gilli - set up a fuchsia nursery. Plenty of your GoY friends would buy them from you. lol. I would :o)
17 Jun, 2009
sending a big warm hug after your shaky ordeal
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
Oh poor you, FF, so glad you weren't hurt. I know redundancy can be a terrible worry but hope something turns up so that you can look back on it as a blessing and not 'one of three'. Take care.
17 Jun, 2009
So Sorry to hear about your accident and redundency.....hope something good turns up for you......
17 Jun, 2009
Glad to see your ok did you get yourself checked up after, cause you should, I had the same happen to me wrote my car off, I wish now I went and got checked up. As for these things happening I always believe you have bad times and good times when a door is closed in your face there is always a window that opens. Yes I do believe in numbers as of the saying when your number is up its up and I am pleased to see yours is not.:) I have read over the years about numberology and studied it in life, even though I am not religeous it does say in the bible he who can total the number of the beast 666. I could give examples like osamin bin ladden s name adds to 9.11 usa U is 21st letter of alphabet S is the 19th A is 1st, 0 is no number so you have in usa 21-19-1 if you rearrange 9.11.21 which is the same as 9-11 and it happened in 2001 Each letter of your name is a number. the number 11 is to give a message to the world that is what it means any one that adds to 2 are careing people and cannot stand cruelty and normally play second best in life. Why is there numbers on doors why are there numbers on car registrations , also birth cirtificates death cirtificates, national health , national insurance , airoplanes, why do scientist go by numbers. By adding your name and date of birth give s you your character. Arabian squares are numbers of the plantets. the number of the sun is 666, the number of venus is 49 hence the lottery!, 1to 49 numbers number 6 is also accociated with venus , Venus is the only plante that rotates clock wise all the others rotate anti cockwise ,the number of Mercury is 32, Years ago sergeons would not opperate until spring ,also if you get whooping cough before the spring as the spring goes so will the cough and if you get whooping cough after the spring the cough will stay with you until the next spring, I have a nurse which will vouch for this on another web site . Roger Moore will not do any contracts until consulting his astronimer. my birth date is 10/8/1954 when added down is 181, I was married on 26.1.1972 which is 811, I had my last child on the 18.1 I won 200.00 at bingo on the 18.1, I had my operation on 26.11 which is 811. if you take note its the same number different ways. Our emerency number is 999 which is 666 upside down usa is 911 which adds to 11 a message to give the world. Nine is a magical number as you do your 9x table and the answers always adds to 9 eg 2x9=18, 1=8=9, so is 7 with chanting Jerico marched around the walls 7 times chanting and the walls fell. 7 notes in a musical scale. etc. Also colours have numbers for red eg is 1and 8 which is the fastest colour.The number 3 is a smaller version of a 9.
17 Jun, 2009
Thank goodness your ok FF im so sorry about your car but they can be replaced cant they :) & having a witness was a bonus so maybe it was`nt the start of it Happening In 3s after all !!! Loseing your job is terrible but does have a good part 2 it like u say ;) x
17 Jun, 2009
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragment, I dont know why i posted this on Goy, guess i just wanted to get it off my chest. and it has helped, thank you.
17 Jun, 2009
:) Glad u got it off your Chest FF& feel Better & were your Friends why not tell us ? XX
17 Jun, 2009
You're welcome. :-) xx
17 Jun, 2009
Hi, like you we have had to replace a car and a computor within days of each other, I am half waiting for the third thing! I tell myself its supersticious nonsense.
I am both happy and sad for you - happy you are not injured, sad you have lost your job.
Enjoy your garden.
It is good to share, you have had a lot of lovely replies.
17 Jun, 2009
Sorry to read about your car but glad your ok. Sorry to hear about your job too, but as the others say you could always start your own little nursery. You know what they say From little acorns!!!!!
19 Jun, 2009
Oh dear, what bad luck. Let's hope you do win the lottery and it makes you happy!
19 Jun, 2009
Ah Funky sorry to hear about your terrible week - following everyones comments you can replace a car but you cannot replace funky - I am sure your great spirt will take you on to the next stage of your career journey - like the sound of the fushia nursery - I'll buy 2 if I can have 1 free - hope something turns up let us know how your getting on x
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks Angie, and everyone whop commented,
22 Jun, 2009
Hi Dave- Sorry to hear about your recent misfortunes :( Good to see that you're keeping a positive outlook though, it makes big difference. Take care and keep smiling :))
30 Jun, 2009
Hi Dave sorry to hear about your crash/job,
But you walked away from both safely and looked at all you and your garden created and you smiled. all the best
3 Nov, 2011
Recent posts by funkyfuchsia
- Returning a different grower
16 Oct, 2013
- Spawning Fish
24 May, 2009
- A happy Easter to all,
10 Apr, 2009
- Up for a go at anything different,
30 Mar, 2009
26 Mar, 2009
- Happy Mothers day.
22 Mar, 2009
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Oh, dear. I am so glad that you weren't hurt! No fun losing your job, either. I'm glad you are 'thinking positive'. Chin up! XX
16 Jun, 2009