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By Bloomer

13 Jul, 2012
Comments on this photo
Thanks Sticki..I stored it inside over a Dahlia pleased it grew again :o)
13 Jul, 2012
Thats a pretty one.
13 Jul, 2012
Thank you,Cinders...I love it .:o)
13 Jul, 2012
Well worth storing!
13 Jul, 2012
13 Jul, 2012
Like these.
14 Jul, 2012
Very Exotic thought for one minute you were in the Med;0))
14 Jul, 2012
Thanks Pixi,Carol ,and Carole !:o0...I like it too..and of course I'm in the Med,..Costa del cloudy ! Lol.
14 Jul, 2012
Pretty things...I like the flecks on the leaves, they shine like silver metal in sunlight.
17 Jul, 2012
How very poetic,Pimms..a very apt description..cheers :o)
18 Jul, 2012
Mines just got leaves, probably started it too late and it's so cold too:-( Yours is lovely:-)
19 Jul, 2012
Thanks Ba..I didn't start mine off till about end of May,but kept it under cover for a while,as it was cold and was in and out like a yo yo at first..It doesn't look as though I will see any more flowers though..unless this heatwave we are supposed to have,spurs it on !
19 Jul, 2012
Thats lovely bloomer! :-)
22 Jul, 2012
Thanks Leigh..last year was the first time I have had I'm pleased it's flowered again..not hardy though,so I lifted and stored it ..
22 Jul, 2012
Ooh I like this more everytime I look at it again :-) it looks well looked after :-)
22 Jul, 2012
To be honest, doesn't get any special care..just does it's own thing :o)
22 Jul, 2012
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these are beautiful
13 Jul, 2012