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small garden view--August 15 2012
By Wells

24 Aug, 2012
This is from our deck, a view with the Crabapple trees, all three of them.
Comments on this photo
I thought so too :)
24 Aug, 2012
and so do I :O)
24 Aug, 2012
Lovely pic Wells, love the landscape you have with your garden, a beautiful place......
25 Aug, 2012
Your landscaping is beautiful. Do you do all the work yourself?
26 Aug, 2012
Absolutely wonderful, like very much
27 Aug, 2012
My husband and i did the landscaping.We had to move dirt and fill in a big gully, then the usual take out old bushes and rocks, and rocks and rocks. For years we did everything ourselves. Now someone comes in once in a while to give us a hand.
27 Aug, 2012
So pretty. I love your crab apples...all three of them! :)
29 Aug, 2012
I like the two big pots of flowers, gorgeous
7 Sep, 2012
what a lovely place , like this so much:-)))))
10 Sep, 2012
Wells, this is picture perfect and looks gorgeous......almost like a postcard.
Thanks for sharing.
5 Dec, 2012
this looks very nice, love the plants in the pots and the main big tree;-)
10 Dec, 2012
I also like this lovely tree.
28 Oct, 2015
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That looks beautiful
24 Aug, 2012