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Steps and cobbles for TT
By Terry60

9 Feb, 2010
Comments on this photo
9 Feb, 2010
Pretty cobblesm and I like the planters.
9 Feb, 2010
Glad you all like the photo - it certainly is a very healthy little town and more importantly, car-free .. !!
12 Feb, 2010
Are there shops Terry and if so, how do they get their stock? I think this would be my ideal place to live....I'd miss the family though:-)
12 Feb, 2010
Good job those log planters are facing the right way or they would end up down the bottom of the hill :)
14 Feb, 2010
Yes there are shops Bornagain - there are little tractors that go and up down the steps for the supplies. That's how I get my wood delivered !!
15 Feb, 2010
Ooooh how lovely, are you going to live there forever?
15 Feb, 2010
I'd love to live there on a permanent basis Bornagain, but for the mo' I have to make do with the summer as it's too much to commute each day during thre winter - that is, until I retire and then .....
15 Feb, 2010
can you tell me where this is ? france?
16 Oct, 2015
Italy :o)
22 Oct, 2015
Photo 5 of 416
What else?
Featured on: urban / city garden ideas step ideas cobbles logs
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It's so lovely, certainly keep you fit :-) the stone is fantastic:-)
9 Feb, 2010