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By Janette

22 Jun, 2008
The next set of Dahlia photos all come from one packet of seeds called Migon Mixed Dahlia Good buy for £1.99
Comments on this photo
Thanks Mike
22 Jun, 2008
OOOOOOOOpppppppps soz i didnt see this pic 1st Janette lol :D I can see now they it z all mixed lol :D
22 Jun, 2008
What a great buy, such lovely colours.
22 Jun, 2008
Ive got these growing in the garden , got the seeds free with a gardening mag , they have lots of buds but none in flower yet , after seeing yours I cant wait ! x
23 Jun, 2008
You will be really pleased when they flower WeemamamI,ve still got a few yet to flower Just as well I have a mish mash of colours in my garden lol I,ve got some seeds that come from a magazine as well Amature Gardening but will save them for next year Always seems to happen I fork out for seeds and before long they are free with A G Got these ones from D T Brown I,ve always had good results from their seeds,
23 Jun, 2008
I'm jealous of you guys getting free seeds with AG. I subscribed to AG for a year expecting to get free seeds, and then the mags came without the seeds, annd on complaining I was informed that they do not send the seeds abroad, even though we are in EU. It makes no sense to me because I can have seeds posted here from any seed company.
23 Jun, 2008
Hmm, blanket policy ?
Have you referred them to this thread, Chris? Maybe they would reconsider, or at least offer you something as recompense.
23 Jun, 2008
You would have thought they would have imformed you before they took the subscripton money Cheek of them
23 Jun, 2008
what a great looking photo, the coloring and lightening are perfect ! Your dahlias are lovely, you've amassed quite a collection from a packet of seeds, wish I were that fortunate !
24 Jun, 2008
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Love the slight pink on this one.
22 Jun, 2008