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My Faithful Friend Bonnie
By Dawnsaunt

11 Apr, 2010
Comments on this photo
Hi Bonnie hows your kittens doing.
11 Apr, 2010
Hello dont look very muddy........
11 Apr, 2010
Beautiful Bonnie. Nothing like a friend who never criticises and always accepts us just as we are :)
11 Apr, 2010
What a beautiful dog!
11 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone, she is a lovely dog.
Carol: Kittens are fine thanks, I've started to let them out when Im in the garden and its so nice to see them exploring.
Maureen: She's developing a grey muzzle now, bless but she does tend to get in any mud that's around.
11 Apr, 2010
what a lovely picture of bonnie dawn ;o))
11 Apr, 2010
Lovely picture Dawn, now who does that remind me of .........
11 Apr, 2010
A beautiful photo of Bonnie Dawn...she has your full attention here !
11 Apr, 2010
Lovely pic, very much like our old departed lab Bess........
11 Apr, 2010
Hello Bonnie you beautiful girl.
12 Apr, 2010
She's lovely, Dawn :-))))))))))))))
12 Apr, 2010
Hi, Bonnie! You are a beautiful girl! :)
12 Apr, 2010
Labradors are lovely dogs, alot of us have had them or have them :-)
There must have been food around for Bonnie to look so attentive.
We have a little clearing amongst the trees where we sit on logs with a beer or glass of wine after a day's gardening.
12 Apr, 2010
Nice to meet you Bonnie, i would love to give you a cuddle, because
you look such a darling...Used to have a Golden Labrador they are so
gentle & need lots of hugs....: >)))
13 Apr, 2010
Oh Freesiaperson, you must miss your golden lab alot. Like you say, so loving and gentle dogs, perfect really.
14 Apr, 2010
They are aren't they Dawn, my poor boys been poorly again, 7 fits last weekend only just getting back to his old self now, vet did a blood test and found there's not enough of the medication he prescibed in his blood, had to up the dose and has also added bromide too, seems ok now fingers crossed, so unfair he's such a lovely dog, hate to see him having the fits because there's nothing you can do for him.
18 Apr, 2010
So sorry to hear about Fudge Kathy, poor boy, just when you thought his fits were under control. It must be so stressful for you. Let's hope they've got the doses correct now.
18 Apr, 2010
Ah She is adorable Dawn , I really want to give her a cuddle , I still miss our lovely old dog ... :o(
19 Apr, 2010
Thanks Amy, you'd like her. I'll give her a cuddle from you when she wakes up.
19 Apr, 2010
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No friend like a doggy friend....
11 Apr, 2010