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Meet Raffles
By Floribunda

12 Mar, 2010
We adopted Raffles last May from our local Rescue centre. He will be 5 in April and is an absolute star! He helped heal us after the loss of my two elderly rescue JRXs, and made the sun shine for us again.
Comments on this photo
Thanks TT, have I got this in the right section of the site, ie Pet Dogs? if not, how can I pop photos into correct site or is this automatically done? Do I sound confused, I think I just may be lol!
12 Mar, 2010
Dear Confused of Wiltshire...
Fear not... your photo of pretty Raffles is in the right place.
The GoYpedia editor for "Dogs in the Garden" will put this into the right GoYpedia category for you...
I only edit "Pets in the Garden" which is for anything other than dogs, cats and fish...i.e. tortoises, guinea pigs, rabbits, doves, etc. etc. :o)
12 Mar, 2010
Hope you enjoy meeting my little lad TT,know how important your dogs are to you, and what a tough time you've been through with Conker, seeing him through his illness, bless you. Here's to sunnier days my friend x
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks. Floribunda...
Conker is doing well. Still has only a one in ten chance of remaining cancer free.. but we keep positive...
Your Raffles is lovely :o)
12 Mar, 2010
aww he`s so cute ;o)
12 Mar, 2010
Lovely Raffles. I am glad he helped you over the loss of your JRX`s.
He is a wonderful little dog, he looks a very happy. You are so
lucky Floribunda, and so is Raffles to have such loving owners....: -)))
12 Mar, 2010
Thanks Sanbaz, TT and Freesia,it was dreadful losing our 'girls', even though we were so blessed to have them so long. When you take on two, and lose one,it really hurts but at least you have one to keep you going. When we lost Patches at 21, it was devastating, felt like we had lost Taff all over again now they were both gone. It took 3 months before we were ready to open our hearts to a new rescue,and along came adorable Raff to make us smile again.To any one who suffers the heartbreak of loss, as I know a lot of you have, never give up and close yourself off, as there is always another little lad or lass out there, waiting to make you smile again if you give them the chance. xxx
13 Mar, 2010
Hello, Raffles! You are a good dog! :)
15 Mar, 2010
Uma, thanks for the comment. He does has his moments, believe you me, but we have been so lucky having him, and he adores people and all dogs he meets on his walks. Cats just confuse him lol! :o)) He looks like butter wouldn't melt eh? Yeah, right! as anyone knows who has a Jack, that nose and boundless curiousity, gets him into a lot of mischief!
15 Mar, 2010
your right flori i was devastated when angelina passed last year but now have casper from sanctuary and he is so much fun and i know ive given him a new life to :o)
15 Mar, 2010
Hi Sanbaz, It's great to know that Casper has a fantastic new home, and a second chance to have a new life. They give so much unconditionally and ask so little in return. Have just got back from walking Raff , we did a huge circuit of three large farmers fields, don't know who's the most cream crackered, me or the mutt! Has Spring finally arrived at last? Was listening to the bird song and looking at the new leaf growth everywhere, what a lovely day here in my part of Wiltshire! :o)))))))))))) x
16 Mar, 2010
Raffles says hello to Angus and Millie, Milang, he hopes to bark at them soon!
16 Mar, 2010
i think spring has finally arrived flori and glad you both enjoyed your walk, lovely hearing the birds sing, ive got my goldfinch back so taken a few pics today and my greenfinch to, im so pleased, i would have loved another doggy but my hubby just isnt a dog person so im happy to give a little cat a home instead, but miss walking a dog, nice to see all the lovely dogs on here though enjoying life :o))
16 Mar, 2010
One of my neighbours has two cats, Harry and Martha,( the cats not the neighbours), and they really tease my poor old JR to distraction! We use to have cats, but am too close to a busy through road, so tend to stick to dogs now. Usually we always have two dogs, but poor old Raff has not been too successful in finding a companion from the dogs home as of yet, so as am at home, we are keeping him as only dog at mo, which means he gets spoilt rotten! Must admit, this is a fantastic gardening site, but love all the pics of the pets too. Have you ever thought of volunteering as a dog walker at your local rescue centre, they are always looking out for people, if you had the time?
16 Mar, 2010
i hadnt thought of that flori what a good idea, will look into it when ive finished getting my garden staright for summer, if i had a big house and land i would have so many animals lol, baz says i need a farm haha, your right i love being on here with everyone, so friendly, feel ive known them for years :o)
16 Mar, 2010
I couldn't agree more Sanbaz, and glad you thought dog walking suggestion worth looking into. Have been busy tidying up my Winter Garden Patio area over last couple of days, oh boy, could I do with a new back! A lot of my Clematis are starting to bud now, and they can get in such a tangled mess with their stems, so trying to tidy up a bit while the sun out. :o))
16 Mar, 2010
its surprising how much work there is to be done come spring, doesnt look that bad till you start, i feel in a mess with making a new area at the end of my garden but once thats all done it should look good again , my back, my wrists all hurts lol :o)
16 Mar, 2010
Don't think its helped we had such a hard winter Sanbaz,and as we have an 80ft garden, it feels overwhelming at times, I wish I had a lottery win to hire a load of gardeners to break the back of it, rather than me just breaking my own lol! We want to re-pave the Pergola area this year and general maintenance, plus lay a pathway through an arch. Ouch, my head hurts just thinking about it ha ha!:o)))x
16 Mar, 2010
all sounds great flori will look forward to seeing some pics when you get things going, it is a good size isnt it, mine about 60ft and not big enough lol, byt saying that dont think i want bigger cause it gets harder as we get older, wouldnt be without a garden ever, love the freedom :o)
16 Mar, 2010
Know what you mean Sanbaz, though hate to admit it, but garden was kind of ignored for quite a few years when we first moved in, we just used to call it a Conservation Wild life area, though think it more like we were just conserving energy. Once I got bitten by the gardening bug,there was no stopping me lol!
17 Mar, 2010
lol flori i know what you mean, i always loved gardening but worked to many days and hours but now only work 2 and a half days and love doing the garden now, i forget any problems or stress when im out there :o)
17 Mar, 2010
Got made redundant,so at the moment I have the time,just haven't had the weather till recently, but couldn't agree more, I lose all sense of time when I'm in the garden, and I love it, just not the aches and pains that come with it lol :o))
17 Mar, 2010
sorry about that flori, my brother in same boat down south, he is catching up with garden and jobs , just cant seem to get a job, i feel for him with two young kids, jobs are hard to get these days , anyway you enjoy your garden flori :o)
18 Mar, 2010
Thanks San baz, am looking at it as a chance to take on something new, that I really enjoy, so thinking bout a position in a Garden Centre. Think of all those new plants I could bring home lol! Hope your brother finds something soon, this is a tough time to be out of a job,specially with a young family. I wish him well x
18 Mar, 2010
thanx flori and hope you get your dream job in GC, would be good but you will spend all your wage on new plants lol
18 Mar, 2010
There is that danger I must admit lol! :o))
18 Mar, 2010
Hi Raffles, love your name suits you !!
30 Mar, 2010
Raff says 'hello' back to you Dd! He can be such a poser at times, as you can see, but is such a lovely sweet natured dog. Am so lucky we found him, it's always tough at a rescue home to chose the right dog when there are so many that need a good home, and a second chance, we struck lucky with our lad :~))
31 Mar, 2010
Aww he's gorgeous Floribunda :~)).
3 Apr, 2010
Ah bless you Skillen,think he's starting to get a big head now from all these lovely comments lol! :~))
3 Apr, 2010
You can't beat animals Flori !
3 Apr, 2010
It's hard to imagine not having them in our lives isn't it Skillen? I swear our lives so much richer for them being part of it, I certainly know mine is lol x
3 Apr, 2010
I agree with you there Flori :~))))).
4 Apr, 2010
:~))) x
10 Apr, 2010
Nice to see you Raff - Franny says woof
29 Sep, 2010
I'm fighting Raff for the keyboard, Pip!! He says 'Woof, woof, slurp, nibble nibble' and lots of tail wags too! Down boy, down!!!!! Yeuk, there's a lot of doggy drool all over my PC now....I don't know what he said, but he looks awful smug with himself, Pip! LOL!x
29 Sep, 2010
are you smiling at us all .... x
3 Dec, 2010
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Hello Raffles... you are cute :o)
12 Mar, 2010