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Fatshedera Lizei 'Annemieke'

Fatshedera Lizei 'Annemieke'

This plant almost died last winter but look at it's grown beautifully this year! I love it, it's so jungly! This one has been in almost total shade all year, on this north-west facing wall.

Comments on this photo


That's really nice - a look of ivy about it too

1 Dec, 2011


yes Paul, well spotted, it's a hybrid of Fatsia and Hedera (Ivy). It looks like a houseplant doesn't it? You'd never know it's been grown outdoors all year!

1 Dec, 2011


I love it Karen, is it evergreen?

1 Dec, 2011


Yes just realised now - hedera gave it away a bit lol - I must find one now :)))))))))))))

1 Dec, 2011


love that, fabulous plant.

1 Dec, 2011


Love it too, Karen...especially with the house plant through the window. Exotic inside and out! :)

1 Dec, 2011


I like this so I looked it up and it was created by hybridizing Fatsia japonica 'Moserii' (Moser's Japanese Fatsia, the seed parent) and Hedera helix

1 Dec, 2011


Beautiful plant & in a lovely positioning ... looks as if it is visiting with the spotted indoor plant lol. Hope it does ok through the winter ... fingers crossed for a mild one for you.

1 Dec, 2011


You've obviously got it in the right place KS, it's lovely

1 Dec, 2011


Your garden clearly does not realise it is in the north of Scotland! Not with plants like that! Splendid, Karen.

1 Dec, 2011


lubly jungly : )

1 Dec, 2011


Thanks everyone. I am so pleased with it. And after last year I know that even if it is cut down to half the size by cold, it will be even bigger by next autumn! Definitely worth growing...and yes, the partnership with the houseplant indoors is merges the conservatory with the heuchera garden nicely as they are both tall and it...thank you all very much!

1 Dec, 2011


This is one to try when I move. I love Fatsia and ivy.

2 Dec, 2011


Thanks Homebird....definitely Annie!

2 Dec, 2011


Good name too!

2 Dec, 2011


yes, I love the name, and definitely 'yours'!

3 Dec, 2011


Love this plant ours has put on a tremendous amount of growth this year......

4 Dec, 2011


I don't like Ivy in the garden but I would love one of these. It makes a lovely pic with the indoor plant and the ferns outside.

5 Dec, 2011


It's a cracker Scotsgran...glad you like it!

5 Dec, 2011


Wow! What a size, you will have to keep an eye on that one. But will there be a giant at the top?

5 Dec, 2011


lol...I know, much as it breaks my heart, if the winter doesn't cut it back I shall have to do it myself next spring!

5 Dec, 2011

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This photo is of "Fatshedera Lizei 'Annemieke'" in Karensusan63's garden

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