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Waterlogged fuchia.


By Nanjo

Waterlogged fuchia.

I returned from my hols to find this...

Comments on this photo


Oh dear :o( I hope it's drained away now.

29 Jun, 2012


Yes Hywel it has but no sign of any flowers as yet :-(

29 Jun, 2012


damn weather :((

29 Jun, 2012


Everything seems to be very green this year Nanjo, with few flowers. I think it's the lack of light. Maybe it will flower after a while when that heat wave arrives lol :D

29 Jun, 2012


I agree Paul, although we have been lucky around here not so much rain in the last week and no floods that I know of. Looking forward to it Hywel, I have booked a week off work in a fortnight so fingers x I can do some gardening... :))

29 Jun, 2012


Added to GoYpedia !!!

30 Jun, 2012


Rain, rain and yet more rain.......The slugs and snails are loving it. I went on snail patrol last night and caught a few. I'm sure your fuschia will be o.k. I am feeding all my flowers now once a fortnight with wilkinson's feed mixed with water. They are flowering quite well now.

3 Jul, 2012

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