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Nectarine in full bloom.
By Milky

2 May, 2009
From nothing to this in 3 days.................
Comments on this photo
Thanks Toto........cant believe what a difference a couple of days has made............
2 May, 2009
2 May, 2009
When will you get nectarines on this plant, and how long does it take them to grow Milky?
2 May, 2009
Beautiful :o)
3 May, 2009
I want one! its so pretty, does it fruit as well?
3 May, 2009
Yes it does Pansy.....I bought this from Ken Muirs place in colcester 2 years ago... I have never yet had less that 30 nectarines on it in a season , which I think is good.
3 May, 2009
That's a very pretty tree.
4 May, 2009
Fantastic Milky, I really do want one now! how tall does it grow?
4 May, 2009
Its about 3 feet Pansy, and I dont think it will get much taller.........
5 May, 2009
Just the right size for a place I ave in mind, Thanks Milky.
5 May, 2009
where do you keep this, its a beauty!
5 Feb, 2011
Sticky its in a huge clay pot that goes out into the sunshine at the middle/end of May, but during the winter mom=nbths we just move under the lean~to, which is north facing....just to keep the rain off it....
6 Feb, 2011
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Beautiful Milky.
2 May, 2009