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My Netted Pond 4 Amy :)
By Jacque

20 Apr, 2009
Comments on this photo
And a plastic heron, too
20 Apr, 2009
Thanx Dawn we Pegged the Net Under the Rocks which pulled it really tight so the net isnt so visable & still does its job :) Iv had the Heron as long as my old Fish Mageth 10yrs ! Maybe he/she needs to retire ? lol
20 Apr, 2009
Thats stopped them Jacque..................
20 Apr, 2009
So far so good Milky :)
20 Apr, 2009
its the first time ive seen your pond jacque and i think its lovely, especially your heron,,
20 Apr, 2009
Thanx San iv also got some Little Ducks a Kingfisher & a Frog around The Pond but u cant see them in thsi pic :)
20 Apr, 2009
i really like frogs,, well i did marry baz lol
20 Apr, 2009
LOL :)
20 Apr, 2009
Ponds looks lovely Jacque even with the netting ,hope the Heron works and you little fish are all safe ...
20 Apr, 2009
Lovely setting there jacque, with seating and pond, Love it.. and im glad your fish are safe now..
20 Apr, 2009
Looks like a nice place to relax Jacque :) What was after your fish?
20 Apr, 2009
Herons not new Janette only netting :) Iv so many places to sit in my garden Dee 2 enjoy Flower Beds ,Wildlife & of cos the Pond :) I believe a Heron Tastey :/ it took 3 of my fish & wounded poor Peaches which it left behind on My Bark around the Pond :(
21 Apr, 2009
hummm... food chain???
you're pleased offering dry worms and seeds to the small birds...
maybe that heron though the pond was for his pleasure...
the net will deffinitivelly make sure the pond is not a feeder ...
I'm sorry for Peaches...
21 Apr, 2009
Your pond is looking good jacque...........
21 Apr, 2009
I like your heron, it funny when i have something as long as you've had yours i would find it hard to get rid off.
21 Apr, 2009
Thanks Jacque , you can hardly notice the netting and the important thing is to keep the fishes safe , your garden is looking nice and summery with the table and chairs out , lets hope we have the good weather to sit out and eat :o)
21 Apr, 2009
Thanx every 1 for the Lovely Comments :)
21 Apr, 2009
A beautiful pond you have there Jacque, I like the heron too!
22 Apr, 2009
Thanx Panther its in Need Of Some New Bark & some Lawn Edgeing :/
22 Apr, 2009
Jacque ~
You've done the netting very neatly ~
How is Peaches ?
23 Apr, 2009
I was going to put a Up date on TT telling every 1 shes been Swimming About Lots the last few days which is great 2 see as she`d been still On Pond Bottom! :)
23 Apr, 2009
Oh, that's really good news Jacque.. xxx
23 Apr, 2009
I like this very much.The heron looks so reallistic!Perfect setting.
25 Apr, 2009
Lovely design Jacque. I often use fishing wire suspended across my pond to prevent any nasty herons entering the water. Your heron does look rather realistic so maybe I can use your idea too : )
29 Mar, 2010
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Nymphaea 'Aurora' (Water Lily)
£22.99 at Crocus -
Easy Clear Filter And Fountain Pump
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The pond still looks really good Jacque even with the netting and you now have peace of mind - definitely fire the heron, lol.
20 Apr, 2009