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Garden shed with leaning tendencies !!
By Terry60

9 Feb, 2010
Comments on this photo
Or p'raps rivalry with Pisa .... ???
9 Feb, 2010
It's still, just about, doing its job lol :-)
9 Feb, 2010
looks like my shed lol
9 Feb, 2010
I think its having a bad
9 Feb, 2010
I should go for a walk there one of these days and see if it's still standing ... !!
12 Feb, 2010
I think you should rename your photo “RELAXED SHED”.........Love it!
12 Feb, 2010
too much Montalcino chianti? a chianti shanty? hmmm... ok sorry.
13 Feb, 2010
I don't know that I would risk going inside!
14 Feb, 2010
nice fence,shame about the shed....
14 Feb, 2010
Ah shucks, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this shed - it's been declared fit for visiting by the Pisan Authorities ..... !!
15 Feb, 2010
It always amuses me to look to the right and see the ads. There do seem to be lots of replacements on offer to the lucky owner:-)
15 Feb, 2010
Yes, some stunning sheds over to the right on my page....
it is often quite funny to see what ads have been matched up automatically with a photo. :o)
15 Feb, 2010
I think I've lost you both here ....
15 Feb, 2010
Maybe it's the FPP again?? On every page of Goy such as yours, on the right hand side are opportunist adverts with pictures. On this page are very posh shed pictures telling you the cost and where to purchase:-)
15 Feb, 2010
Oh clever me - I've just found out what you were both on about !!!
Well, looking at these posher advertised sheds, I reckon mine has much more character - it has that well lived look !!!
BTW - sheds don't come cheap these days, do they ??
15 Feb, 2010
I don't know... how many posh sheds come with buttresses?
15 Feb, 2010
They are rather posh for sheds aren't they? I've stayed in worse lol:-) It just seemed so optimistic of the advertisers, as though they thought that someone with your shed would be eager to buy one of theirs:-)
15 Feb, 2010
Listed building ...................?
15 Feb, 2010
hehehe -
16 Feb, 2010
Brilliant Sueb:-))))
16 Feb, 2010
A lean to ? (groan !)
18 Feb, 2010
That's not bad either lol:-)))
18 Feb, 2010
Ha! Ha! Reminds me of one my Ex Husband built LOL
So it looks like Short people can stand to the left & Tall to the right, so whats the problem then LOL
18 Feb, 2010
that building looks like I feel some days LOL
31 May, 2010
I shall to go for a walk down that road and see if it's still there !!
3 Jun, 2010
There used to be an old woman near where I used to live who had a twenty four year old car parked in a car port pretty similar to this. Eventually she opted to update the car and its parking place lol
15 Mar, 2013
I wonder if the shed has kicked the bucket yet ;o)
15 Mar, 2013
Is that blue bucket telling us this shed only has one problem "leaking roof"
11 Apr, 2013
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Strong gales in Italy ?
9 Feb, 2010