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Marigold 'Sherber Fizz'
By Majeekahead

7 Aug, 2008
Comments on this photo
Its a Marigold, a new variety, i have some seeds if you want to do a swap?
7 Aug, 2008
A marigold! WOW! Well I would love to swap but all I have right now is a few coriander seeds. May have some other things later though.
7 Aug, 2008
O Ang id love some of these seeds, Iv some lovely Double Pink Poppys seeds& Single Purple 1s if their any good2u ? X iv also got Dark Purple Clary :)
7 Aug, 2008
no probs Jac, would love to swap for some of the poppys - purple sounds good, but my marigold seeds are not ready yet, so i'll message you in a week or two when i have a nice suply. and Wohlibuli, thats fine mine are not ready yet let me know what you have in a few weeks i'm sure we can sort something out.
7 Aug, 2008
I 'll see if I can get some seeds from that dwarf sunflower I posted a pic of, it's an unusual color, or would you prefer hot chili pepper seeds?
7 Aug, 2008
either sounds good Wohlibuli. i'll let you know when mine are ready, and we can sort something out then.
7 Aug, 2008
That is different for a Marigold!... love the novelty.
8 Aug, 2008
yes i immediately fell in love with it too Lori, it is much smaller than the other ones i have grown this year. but such a lovely colour. i would be glad to send you some seed Lori, but i am not sure if it is allowed?
9 Aug, 2008
Very generous offer, Thanks Majee .the regs are kinda strange about import/export of veg/ worries.
9 Aug, 2008
i am going to look out for this one here (england) unusual for a marigold isn't it?
30 Oct, 2008
I am also in England Sewingkilla, if you want some seeds can send you some if you like, just send me your address on a private message and i will send you some.
31 Oct, 2008
I have grown Sherbert fizz this year but none of mine has come as pink as this one, was all yours this colour??
8 Aug, 2009
i would say more peach than pink Doreen, the underside is a dark salmon colouring. but again i reall love this vareity and grow it year after year. if you PM your address, i'll send you some seeds off both varieties if you like :-)
9 Aug, 2009
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This photo is of "Pot Marigold 'Sherbet Fizz'" in Majeekahead's garden
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10 Oct, 2008
Is this a Dahlia? The color is interesting, unusual. I really like it ! I want one of these.
7 Aug, 2008