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Melons in the polytunnel

Melons in the polytunnel

Here are three fantastic melons, the size of rugby balls, growing on the same vine. They are a Spanish type with green skin and orange flesh. The trouble is they are on a 'wigwam' and I daren't touch them, even to 'net' them as they may fall off before they ripen. I'm hoping they will ripen well before they fall off the vine. Until then, they aren't being touched! Nothing better than the taste of melons ripened on the plant.
Disaster! When I went to water the tunnel today I found that the melon plant had collapsed and the leaves are withering. The weight of the melons has collapsed the plant. They are still 'attached' but I suspect they won't ripen as well as I'd hoped. In future, I will give them support with nets if growing vertically like this.

Comments on this photo


a net of some sort is about the only way by the looks of it. unless you can get something to put on the melons when they are small that is supported on canes as well to hold the weight that the material expands to hold them up

9 Aug, 2009


Thanks for the advice, Lindak. In future I shall certainly be doing this or something similar. Usually melons ripen ok off the plant, but the best flavour is always when they ripen still growing on the plant. This year the outdoor opens are not doing well as it's too dry and I haven't been able to water. Yesterday the well went dry! First time in six years. If only some of the UK rain fell here and we could send you some of our sunshine!

9 Aug, 2009


The main thing is to have a go if it works it works and if it doesn't nothing ventured nothing gained I say. I've never grown melons. Have you had a look in your local garden centres for anything to help you or asked anyone who perhaps grows them commercially? Worth a try perhaps.

9 Aug, 2009


Love the french charantais melons, better luck next time.

5 Oct, 2009


I made a 2ft wide x 6ft tall wooden frame around a length of sheep netting. This I suspended from the polytunnel horizotal cross pieces. I tied the melon in as it scrambled skyward. Good luck with your crops next year.

31 Dec, 2009

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