Samba's Profile

About me
I am 37 and a mum and wife. I work part time and in my spare time I like to get in the garden (and go running). I love to grow my own fruit/veg. I have lots of small patches of fruit trees/bushes in my home garden which include blackcurrent, gooseberry, rhubarb and Strawberries. I love to grow pumpkins/squash/gourds and I usually grow tomatoes and courgettes in the summer. I have also grown pea pods lettuce of different varieties, herbs, bell peppers, hot peppers, tomatillos (new this year) raddish Cucamelons (also new this year), beetroot. Never been any good with onions of any kind though :( Anyway, that's me in a nutshell.
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Joined in Aug 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Lancashire