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Look whos back
By Bonkersbon

24 Feb, 2009
Tilly and Charlie drake return
Comments on this photo
Oh how lucky you are to be chosen by such lovely ducks.
24 Feb, 2009
Love is in the air.........................
24 Feb, 2009
Thanks Donnah....Pp...we do feel lucky.....
Definitely Milky !
24 Feb, 2009
:D Their even looking @the Camera :)Its a Fab Pic :)
24 Feb, 2009
Lol...they know theyll have to get used to the camera if theyre staying as they did last year Jacque.! It willbe pointed at them every opportunity !
24 Feb, 2009
great..BB must be very proud
24 Feb, 2009
Certainly are Deida !
24 Feb, 2009
If I had ducks visiting my garden I would never get anything done,would spend my days watching them all the time,you lucky people .....
24 Feb, 2009
It's a lovely picture of two lovely ducks.
25 Feb, 2009
That IS good news! I bet you were thrilled to see them!
25 Feb, 2009
Thankyou Toto....
Spritz...over the moon !
26 Feb, 2009
BRILLIANT - they are back. They will be nesting soon! how exciting!!
26 Feb, 2009
Hi Dawn..third day in a row now.They still fly off at night at the moment,but always there at tea time waiting after work for their supper !
26 Feb, 2009
Great, its amazing how they return to nest isnt it. I hate it when they leave after they have reared their young but still nice to have them for a while.
26 Feb, 2009
Yes..last year were late nesters...April time.Think theyve come early to lay claim to this pond before another pair do ! Lol
26 Feb, 2009
Lovely photo
28 Feb, 2009
Thanks Hollyeves........
28 Feb, 2009
How cool is that ! What a good looking pair they make, must be nice having all those good looks and brains too. Coming early to lay claim to the pond is brilliant on their part. I wonder if they realize just how lucky they are to have picked your pond, I have a snicky suspision they
4 Mar, 2009
Please allow them some privacy when they are making whoopee ;-)
4 Mar, 2009
Thanks Flower - spending longer here and showing no signs of leaving tonight had 12 ducklings last year , they actually moved in as laying the pond liner and used to stand on it as if to say hurry up and fill this please.
Will do Ams but they not too fussy and seem quite happy to undertake whoopee on the pond right under your nose ..
4 Mar, 2009
Yay! Glad to see them back Bb! Hope they raise another lovely brood this year :-)
6 Mar, 2009
Fingers crossed Sid ! They are here all day now,and a couple of nights ago stayed all night ! : )
6 Mar, 2009
Glad to hear that :-) Remember my two? They have not returned, but I've seen a pair flying about the place - wonder if they are the same pair?
6 Mar, 2009
Hope they are Sid..sure if they land theyll recognise you !
6 Mar, 2009
I'm watching out for about April when they arrived last year tho - just after I'd finished my pond.
7 Mar, 2009
Ditto Sid ,urs arrived end of April,just as new pond about to be filled.Reckon they have come earlier this year to re claim it before any others arrive !
7 Mar, 2009
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Lovely ducks nice photo
24 Feb, 2009