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Wall flowers (Erysiums)
By Floribunda

2 Jul, 2010
These wonderful Wallflowers have done me proud this year, and the scent has been intoxicating! Cottage style and old fashioned they may be, but totally stunning close up.
Comments on this photo
I have had so many wallflowers come up this year, it has been an absolute pleasure to walk in my garden~glad you like them too, Cinders :~))
2 Jul, 2010
What lovely wallflowers, I think they are so pretty !!!
2 Jul, 2010
Very pretty, I can smell them from here!! :))
3 Jul, 2010
So colourful they don't look at all like wall flowers beautiful.
3 Jul, 2010
I think this is often when plants really shine out when you get as close as this, Sixpence, and yes, the scent really was wonderful Karen.....
5 Jul, 2010
how right u are flori lovely
13 Jul, 2010
Hi Cristina! Thank you so much for your comment, am glad you like them too....
14 Jul, 2010
they come in pink?!! i thought they were always red/yellow/orange... shows how little i know (hey, i'm new at all this :P) mum loves them and i couldn't tell what she was raving about until i was walking back from the greenhouse one day and caught a waft of this gorgeous scent... went around sticking my nose in everything till i found the source :$ these ones are very pretty aswell :)
- its not too late to sow them for next year, is it? :P
16 Jul, 2010
Hi jennyfer! Sorry for delay in getting back to you! I bought mine as bare rooted plants in the Autumn, and they truly flowered their little heart's out this year. I can't remember if this one is a perennial or a biennial....the memory is just not what it was lol! Am letting mine go to seed now in the hope that I will increase my stock for next year....well I can but live in hope! :~))
19 Jul, 2010
its fine, i've been away the last couple of days myself :P we have seed pods that are ripening but not ready to be collected yet... i can keep my fingers crossed (or cheat and go to the garden centre ;) good luck with yours :D
19 Jul, 2010
was going to buy sum till i saw the price. £8 00 in b/q will have to get seeds
19 Jul, 2010
I know, Cristina! I was shocked when I saw the price of the pots of these even in GCs! I bought some barerooted ones from Malvern Autumn Show last year~you could get a bunch of 10 for a £1, that is more like the price I would expect to pay for Wallflowers, but £8? I think not!!!!
21 Jul, 2010
flipin heck ,that was a gud price well i keep looking lol x
21 Jul, 2010
Just catching up on pics and things. I think the new colours in wall flowers are lovely. At the price you paid I suppose they are biennials, but I heard (GQT) even the perennial ones are only short lived subshrubs and you have to take cuttings. I noticed T&M have some glorious coloured perennial ones, but I won't buy from them again. Yours are very pretty:-)
27 Jul, 2010
I didn't know that, Ba! Have read too many things on here about T&M to take a chance on them! I am hoping to make the Malvern Autumn Show, so might pick up some more bare rooted ones if they are still cheap enough over there. Lovely to hear from you and Cristina :~))xxx
27 Jul, 2010
I may see you there:-)
27 Jul, 2010
Ba, that would be fantastic if we can meet up again at Malvern~guess we would be going on the Saturday again if all goes well, and this time, I may not get rained on and end up with flu! Would be fantastic to see you there, and so much easier with your recent introduction of B.A Transportation too! LOL! :~))
29 Jul, 2010
Naturally, it's the only way to travel. If my computer goes down, I may have to take the coach;-)
30 Jul, 2010
Now don't be silly Ba, you'll never fit a whole coach on your PC keyboard~even I know that!! :~)))x
30 Jul, 2010
Sometimes I wonder Flori...........:-)
4 Aug, 2010
Well....I suppose a mini bus might just about squeeze on, Ba..... :~))
4 Aug, 2010
I do so like wallflowers and this one is a lovely colour :-))
18 Aug, 2010
Hello Annella, thank you for your lovely comment! :~))
18 Aug, 2010
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Yes they are lovely, and I love the scent too
2 Jul, 2010