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Along the bed in the side garden.
By Spritzhenry
- 23 May, 2010
Looking better now that most of the flowers are in bloom. The Osteospermum had closed up when I took the photo...
Comments on this photo
Your have a beautiful border.......
24 May, 2010
24 May, 2010
Thanks - I do actually enjoy snipping the edges, Dd - it does make a big difference. Takes ages - but worth it!
And thank you for the lovely comments. :-)))
24 May, 2010
I think it also helps with the 'bingo wings'!! Beatiful B! Really stunning. :)
24 May, 2010
What 'bingo wings' Karen? lol.
Thanks. :-))))
24 May, 2010
One was speaking for ones self!!! :))
24 May, 2010
LOL........I used to swim every day, I'm sure that helps! I can't now - it's too far to go. :-((
24 May, 2010
Beautiful Im love big beds.
24 May, 2010
This one was done virtually from scratch, Denise, as it had a HUGE Eleagnus in it, which died quite suddenly. That was actually an opportunity to redesign the whole bed. I was sad about the Eleagnus at the time, though!
24 May, 2010
That is SO lovely! The pinks and purples go so well together. :D
29 May, 2010
Thanks, Beattie...:-)))
29 May, 2010
Osteos are one of my summer favourites...and really worth dead-heading though it takes so much time!
31 May, 2010
Tell me about it - I have a bed with just Osteos in it - and it takes forever to deal with. I do it, though, because they keep going for so much longer.
31 May, 2010
Wow...I bet its gorgeous in the sun!
31 May, 2010
Yes - except that the plants are old, and some in the middle have gone 'woody' and refuse to spread. There's a gap - I'll have to track down some new plants, I think.
31 May, 2010
They do do that.....I remember my Spanish garden...I ended up pruning them right back, then they came from the middle again. I planted Argyranthemums amongst them and they seemed to hold the osteos more upright. I bought two white ones yesterday, which I'll plant in a couple of pots..........
31 May, 2010
The really woody ones have had it, Janey. I really need to do some digging, fertilising, and replanting. I tried som other so-called 'hardy' ones but not a single one turned out to be hardy. Even O. 'Cannington Roy' died off...these are O. jucundum plain and simple. No names other than that. I'll have to find a reputable source of new plants next month and get busy repairing the holes.
31 May, 2010
Thats a shame Barbara......the garden is always changing and developing though isn't it? Mine could really do with fertilising and next year, a load of top soil...somehow this soil doesn't hold the moisture very's taking a lot of watering!
31 May, 2010
Yes, I agree - it's never 'finished' and I do like changing it a bit, but I have a soft spot for the bed of Osteos, and I'd like to 'repair' it if I can. They do flower for such a long time, don't they!
You'll see a difference with new soil - remember when Hywel got his, how his plants all grew so well?
31 May, 2010
what a beautiful border,looks very established and your colour choices are great !
22 May, 2011
Thank you, Whdebor. :-)
23 May, 2011
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A border to die for, immaculate edges, so important OH would love you!!
23 May, 2010