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Dendrobium Orchid White Flowers
By Delonix1

15 Mar, 2023
I got two small pieces of this orchid last fall from a friend. I can’t believe it’s blooming outside in this horrible weather. Photo take Mar. 14, 2023.
Comments on this photo
That’s such a pretty one, Andy. A lovely gift from a friend.
The weather has been so unpredictable everywhere by the sounds of it.
15 Mar, 2023
I heard from family and saw on the news about those hurricane-force 70 to 100 mph winds in the SF Bay Area. I saw on the news the glass from the blown windows raining down on people. That’s absolutely insane!!!
I hope you haven’t had too much damage to your garden! It’s been a very rough winter in California this year!
16 Mar, 2023
Yes, very beautiful orchid gift!
It’s been a wild weather year around the world due to several atmospheric phenomena.
It’s definitely the coolest winter I’ve ever felt in the 23 years living in San Diego and a lot much-needed rainfall.
16 Mar, 2023
I hope it thrives for you, its definitely a special one.
Your weather has been very strange for this time of year, well, as you say all around the world. Ours isn't 'dramatically ' different from our normal, but, still the slight changes do cause issues.
16 Mar, 2023
That's a beautiful Orchid, Andy! 😃
16 Mar, 2023
It’ll be nice (70 to 75 degrees) for the next 3 or 4 days and then another Atmospheric River (Pineapple Express) comes in starting Monday night through Wednesday. Another 2 to 4 inches of rain. We are well above average for rainfall. Northern and Central California are 3 to 5 times above average right now.
17 Mar, 2023
Thanks! I had to pull it out of the pot it was growing in today. It was sitting in water from all the rain from the last two days. We received about 2 1/2 inches of rain.
I may move this plant indoors until the next Atmospheric River is done.
17 Mar, 2023
WOW! So much rain in such a short space of time! We don't have your Expresses but we have been having a lot of rain recently & the river that flows through this town overflowed it's banks last weekend! This is no danger of causing flooding in town as the river has lots of space to overflow into on either side of its banks & many years it happens at least once.
I don't think your plant would be happy "swimming" in rain water for more than a few hours! 😆
17 Mar, 2023
Yes, it’s a tremendous amount of rain, especially for San Diego. San Diego’s annual (or all season) rainfall is only 9.75 inches. I think it’s at 12 inches now. I’m guessing it’s been 16 or 17 inches so far this season, where I live.
Most plants are loving this rain, but some hate it!
17 Mar, 2023
I just noticed this orchid flower has an incredibly sweet fragrance.
17 Mar, 2023
We guys don't often sniff at our flowers like the gals are wont to do! 😆
20 Mar, 2023
That’s funny! I was telling a friend it didn’t have a smell…then I smelled something sweet (when I was next to this plant). 😂
21 Mar, 2023
Well at least you haven't lost your sense of smell! 😆
22 Mar, 2023
Definitely. 😁
24 Mar, 2023
Hayward has had since Oct 1st,28 inches of rain and no stop in the forecast,no real warm up as we get closer to April. We are 230% above our average for the whole year.
Ski resorts up here are over 700 inches of snowpack. It's what we needed...but living it is another thing. 39f tonight!
27 Mar, 2023
That’s very impressive! It’ll probably be well over 30 inches by the end of the rainy season.
Where I live I calculate 17 to 19 inches so far this season. Downtown in the rain shadow is at 13 inches. Some plants are starting to do very poorly with this much rain… most plants love it! I think I may have lost my monkey pod tree. It was so saturated with water and now the branches are dying back. My mango tree has tons of flowers covered with mold or mildew. The leaves are getting affected with anthracnose, also. Yikes! The palms and Angel’s Trumpets are absolutely loving all this rain!
Today it was 77 degrees here and tomorrow lower 70’s, but cool rainy weather returns on Wednesday and Thursday. Ugh!
28 Mar, 2023
We need to change places, Andy, we could use a little of your heat & perhaps you could use a little of our cold! 😆 😆 😆
29 Mar, 2023
The warm weather is over until Friday when it returns. It’s raining today (Wednesday) and tomorrow. We definitely don’t need any more cold weather. It’s typically low 70’s for highs and morning lows in the 50’s for this time of year.
29 Mar, 2023
They say later this week we will warm to the 70's or more. Just four more days of cool but no rain. I havent even given the yards a good look over in days. Today inspect.
2 Apr, 2023
It was beautiful and warm today, but really warm starting Thursday - Monday, in the mid-80’s. Yay!!!
3 Apr, 2023
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We had ferocious winds yesterday- knocked over all my potted orchids on the porch.
15 Mar, 2023