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Dianthus 'Dainty Dame'


By Sid

Dianthus 'Dainty Dame' (Dianthus 'Dainty Dame')

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This is lovely Sid

6 Oct, 2008


looks like a drop of jam in the middle of an ice cream

6 Oct, 2008


what a lovely way of discribing it Sal1914 .
It is very pretty though !

6 Oct, 2008


Looks and sounds sweet. :-)

6 Oct, 2008


Looks like one of my bandaged fingers after pruning roses.Ps where you been Sid?

9 Oct, 2008


What'o Bonkers - unfortunately, my little business seems to have come up for air for the third and final time (due to the property market going ca-put) so I've been otherwise occupied going on holiday (to bury my head in the sand and try to convince myself that all is well) and then finally coming back and trying to find an alternative source of income. Starting a new job next week. Will miss being my own boss...... :-( Still, good to find all my old GoY friends are still here :-D So much catching up to do........ Did I miss anything important?

9 Oct, 2008


Sorry to hear that Sid - this such a tough time for so many brought about by greed and stupidity of so called financial experts.
So have I got this right ? Miss a few mortgage payments and the bank can re - possess your house . A bank can miss all its payments and the taxpayer is expected to bail them out.Oh makes me so cross better get of that horse as far too high !

What have you missed ? Quite a rash if that the right term of new members . Lovely photos Grenville and Alan getting increasingly famous
Jacque nearly standed in Eygpt due to airline collapse.
Wellie Olympics - dont ask a weeks read in itself under Terratoonies blogs.
You ll come away from that thinking I m quite sane.

Spritz bless her a must read under thank you blog.
Mikec doing God knows what in his basement and Cluelesskev gone missing - about the time you did anything we should know?

That should keep you busy - you been missed good luck with new job hope it involves something painful with financial advisors.Roasting them .

9 Oct, 2008


Sid ~
When your head was in the sand,
did you by any chance see Cluelesskev?
We still haven't found him. :o)

9 Oct, 2008


Ah, thanks for that Bonkers! It does seem that the banks are a law unto themselves, tho I wont pretend to be able to understand all this financial gobbledygook. Give me plants- simple, honest lifeforms - those I understand!

Yes, there does seem to be a lot of new names on here...and some peoples avatars have also changed - most confusing! Will have to find out whether Jacque got back from Eygpt and read TT's blog and Spritz's and what of poor old Kev?

TT - nope, didn't spot him down there! I watched the 2008 Tall Ships race go out from Falmouth on their way to Madeira - perhaps he was on one of those? There did seem to be some jiggin' in the riggin'!

9 Oct, 2008


Good thinking, Sid.
Sandra lives on the coast.
Maybe she should keep a look out in case Kev turned right instead of left.:o)
..... er, that's port and starboard....

And yes, some members have changed their avatars just to confuse you.
Jacque has some glamorous lady taken over her avatar. :o)

Wellie Olympics training is well under way.
I've uploaded photos of Grenville's Secret Training HQ.
Read his comments of how he designed it to blend in with the scenery.

There are some lovely new members too, e.g. Newfienurse. It'll take you all winter to catch up. But welcome back. :o)

9 Oct, 2008


Thanks TT - just been catching up on the Welly Olympics - need to catch up on Grenville's piccies now - phew it's all go isn't it! :-D

9 Oct, 2008


Yes, Sid ~

Lots of good stuff been going on with GoY.

Grenville has come up with wonderful blogs, photos and comments.

He's been very busy lately but we're lucky. He still makes time to be Team Manager for the GoY Wellie Olympians.

Now we've the challenge of teaching BB the difference between my :o) and your :-D and Calz's =].

Yes, it's definitely all go. :o)

10 Oct, 2008

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