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Orange lampranthus
By Janey

21 Aug, 2008
More lampranthus, they were a great little plant to use and came in most colours except the blues. Here is an orange coloured upright type.
Comments on this photo
Striking colour
21 Aug, 2008
What a beautiful combination of colors and kinds of plants.
21 Aug, 2008
I want my garden boaders 2look just like this2 Janey :)
21 Aug, 2008
Thank you girls, ooh, Jacque we need more sun to be able to have these!
21 Aug, 2008
Great looking, colorful border !
24 Aug, 2008
Lovely photo
31 Aug, 2008
beautiful colours so bright and glowing!
1 Sep, 2008
lovely to see your planting suitable for hot sunny site which normally my West country garden is - Not this wet summer though!
21 Sep, 2008
Stunning colours, we grow lampranthus only the purple survives the winter, though I am not sure it will this time around.
16 Jan, 2009
Do you you know I've never thought of trying it here....saying that though we did have a couple of snowy winters and it always came through. The Aeoniums took a battering and Yuccas werent very happy...but all sprang into like again! :o)
17 Jan, 2009
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