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Scabiosa caucasica 'Fama'
By Spritzhenry

24 Sep, 2009
A bluer colour than 'Clive Greaves', and a larger flower, I think.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! Its flowers are HUGE!!
24 Sep, 2009
I want this ! That colour is stronger than any i've seen :))
How tall does the plant get Spritz ?
24 Sep, 2009
The label says 18 - 23". Nice, isn't it!
24 Sep, 2009
I absolutely love it and it'll be one i look out for.
24 Sep, 2009
I've just seen that my favourite nursery (Worlds End) have it :)))))))
24 Sep, 2009
That's good - I was thinking when I might get back to the Nursery to get you one - can't tomorrow, though. :-((
24 Sep, 2009
Beautiful bloom Spritz.
24 Sep, 2009
Beautiful flower and wonderful colour
24 Sep, 2009
24 Sep, 2009
beautifull colour!
24 Sep, 2009
How beautiful is that, I thought they had all finished flowering is this a second time around?
24 Sep, 2009
They seem to be flowering here curremtly too Daisy, all my Scabious - short and tall - no sign of them stopping, which i'm pleased about :))
25 Sep, 2009
Georgeous blue - heavenly flower. What more do you want in a plant?!
25 Sep, 2009
Yes and no, Dd. This one I found at the nursery when I went to buy my Griselinia - but I posted a photo of my white S. caucasica a few days ago, and S. c. 'Clive Greaves' also had a flower! The other Scabious in my garden are all flowering away madly still! Wonderful plants - especially S. 'Barocca'!!
25 Sep, 2009
Yes, my Barocca too :)
25 Sep, 2009
It's a lovely one !
25 Sep, 2009
Perhaps mine hasnt flowered again because we removed all the flowers from the border reorganized the bed (had to take out large Pittosporum) and it probably never made it back.....:>(
25 Sep, 2009
Awwwwww....poor Scabious!! :<Z
25 Sep, 2009
Lost and gawn forever..........
25 Sep, 2009
Wow!! Absolutely beautiful!
1 Oct, 2009
It is, isn't it! :-))
1 Oct, 2009
This is georgous
1 Oct, 2009
I love this one Spritz....Is 'Barocca' a lovely deep wine colour?......If its the one im thinking of, its beautiful too.......
1 Oct, 2009
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Thats a lovely blue one!
24 Sep, 2009