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Tricyrtis hirta
By Andrewr

16 Oct, 2009
Late-flowering perennial for a moist, humus-rich soil in shade. Stems up to two and a half feet but early growth is liable to slug damage
Comments on this photo
I have taken a liking to them too....very unusual flowers....
16 Oct, 2009
Such a striking bloom.
16 Oct, 2009
amazing bloom.
17 Oct, 2009
Motinot, before seeing them pictured on here i'd not really bothered with them but since .... i've put them on my 'wants list' !!!
17 Oct, 2009
Have to agree with the girls, its a beautifull plant.
17 Oct, 2009
Have just ordered 3 :-))))))
17 Oct, 2009
Think i will send a little order in
21 Oct, 2009
I've lost mine, sadly. I still have a different species of Tricyrtis, though without any spots!
25 Oct, 2009
One to grow in a pot???
27 Oct, 2009
They can be quite tall, Linda - and prefer shade, as well. I wouldn't try a pot, it would need support in one, for sure.
27 Oct, 2009
This would look good in our jungle next year.
5 Nov, 2009
I have a Tricytis Miyazaki (Toad Lily) grows well in the shade and I'm about to order some more. Have you tried to propagate these. I wonder if you can you use layering and division to make new plants. Funny I should see this picture just when I was thinking about how to get more of these.
3 Mar, 2010
Valerie I really fancy having some of these.....
6 Mar, 2010
Valerie - you can either let them set seed and sow it as soon as it is ripe OR divide in very early spring before growth starts
7 Mar, 2010
Love this I have just bought it and also a Formosana Dark Beauty, can't wait for it to Flower!
12 Jun, 2011
Photo 8 of 120
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This photo is of "Tricyrtis hirta" in Andrewr's garden
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That's a great photo, i love these plants !
16 Oct, 2009