Easy way to grow Herbs.
The supermarkets have pots of Parsley, Thyme and other
Herbs now, well rooted for £1.50. I am not sure about
Basil as its a summer seasonal plant.
A good way is to get some, take half of the plants out of the pot seperate out, and replant round the edge of a tub
or planter which is a bit warmer than the open ground.
Cover with fleece until they toughen up.
Eat the rest.
20 Nov, 2019
Previous post: Grow some Leeks next year !
Next post: Moving house ?
...and fresh basil is delicious on home made pizza which is what I'm making right now. My dough is fermenting! The herbs freeze really well too. Ice cube trays potions them out perfectly. Fill a giant ziploc freezer bag with cubes of frozen herbs. Then toss them into soups, stews or tomato sauce. Blog on the way.
21 Nov, 2019
Recent posts by goldenoldie91
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- Moving house ?
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- Grow some Leeks next year !
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- Wanting Cactii that flower in your greenhouse ? No problems when its very hot.
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- With just 4 tubs as I am disabled now.
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my daughter has been doing this for the last couple of years. a cheap way to get good plants.
20 Nov, 2019