Magpie Myth?
By grannysue
This morning on seeing a single Magpie I chimed, “Good morning Mr Magpie and how is your wife today?” This resulted in a strange look from John who asked why on earth I was talking to myself . I explained that apparently it is deemed unlucky not to speak to said Magpie, or to salute one instead.
Now I am wondering if any of you kind and knowledgable folk know where this all comes from as I know a lot of other people who have the same reasoning. Have I indeed “Lost The Plot”. LOL Sue
16 Jun, 2009
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Thanks Hywel now I know it isn't just me x
16 Jun, 2009
you are not alone in doing this .
my son who is 16 always salutes a single magpie when he sees one
16 Jun, 2009
Thanks Irish for your input Sue
16 Jun, 2009
I was told it was bad luck to see a magpie on its own, you are suppose to see a pair.
16 Jun, 2009
Thanks Clarice, I am just intrigued to know the origin of the story. knowing how helpful people on here are I feel sure some body will know. Sue
17 Jun, 2009
As I understand it, as Clarice says above, magpies pair for life and do go about in pairs, so if you see a single one, their partner has gone up to the great sky in the skies (if you see what I mean). However, I have a theory that if you only see one, the other one cant be far away, I just cant see it .... okay so I am ducking the issues!
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks Ang I know some day the truth will out. Of course it is bad luck for the surviving bird if one dies but how is it bad luck for us mortals? LOL Sue
21 Jun, 2009
I only know the theme for the programme (showing my age) "One for sorrow, two for joy "etc. etc.
31 Jul, 2009
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One of my brother's boys always salutes a magpie. I would have thought young people wouldn't be so superstitious. Sorry I don't know the origin of it.
16 Jun, 2009