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thanks again


thanks for all your comments, can’t wait until I start digging up my first crop.I think the types I have growing are desire, king edwards, maris piper, I know most of them are from tubers which I let sprout from bags of spuds we bought Asda and Morrisons.

I had a look in my cold frame and my alpine strawberries and brocolli are coming through very nicely.I will be moving them into the greenhouse in the next few days.

All I can say !

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I have grown "harmony" from a bag of spuds from Asda. They are looking really strong Won't be ready for a little while yet though. Supposed to be a good baking potato.

According to Gardener's World (July issue)it's time to plant for Xmas crop. They recommend:
first-earlies "Arran Pilot, Duke of York, Pentland Javlin and Vales Emerald.( only heard of D of Y and PJ)
Second-earlies: Carlingford, Charlotte, Maris Piper and Vivaldi.

I have some Charlotte in bags at the moment, can't wait to lift them.

28 Jun, 2011


Vales Emerald are lovely,Granny B,I grew them last year,as recommended by a professional gardener....a good flavoured waxy potato.(salad type)He said only last week,you will still get a crop this year,and they wouldn't take as long to maturity,as when planted in april....if you have room of course!...and you will love your Charlottes too.:o)

28 Jun, 2011

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