after my Paris trip
By gwendas
Hi everyone! Just been putting photos on my site of trip – sorry some of them round the wrong way! As some of you know I’m as new to this computer lark as to gardening!
Paris. What a beautiful city! Trees everywhere – lining the streets.
Versailles very beautiful and opulent with gardens to match! Formal and lovely but not inspiring to me as Monet’s Garden was. You must go! Wish my mum could’ve. Have come away with lots of ideas and packets of seeds which hopefully transform some dull areas in my garden. Also got a fantastic book there called The Impressionist Garden by Derek Fell with what I hope are workable ideas taken from the paintings and gardens of these artists. I hope to adapt one to put in an archway next year – watch this space!
Am hoping for some good weather now before school restarts so that I can tidy some things up in my garden. Herbs need cutting back or taking out, weeding needed after continous rain and getting ready for bulb planting in september.
Hope you have all been able to enjoy your gardens over the bank holiday weekend?
26 Aug, 2008
Previous post: weekend ahead
Next post: thankyous
Sounds like u had fab time&came home with a head full of super ideas 4your garden2 :) cant wait2see what uv got in mind Gwenda :)
26 Aug, 2008
I so enjoyed your pics of Monets garden. It brought back memories of a holiday we had once. We did our own tour of Monet driving from Budapest to Giverney and back stopping in every city that had a museum with Monet paintings like Vienna, Munich, Strasboug, Paris etc, but the highlight was the garden.
27 Aug, 2008
Hi . I'm glad you enjoyed. It will be interesting to see what you put in the archway. You'll have to take a photo to show us.
I know what you mean about being new to computers . I'm like that aswell. Not much of a clue and not very patient with gadgets either. Good luck with it. You'll learn soon probably.
All the best, Hywel.
27 Aug, 2008
Hi Gwenda what a lovely trip , the memories will keep you going through the winter months :D plus all the plans you intend to do . happy gardening !
27 Aug, 2008
welcome back Gwenda, sounds like you had a fantastic holiday. the photos you posted are excellent.
27 Aug, 2008
I loved the Monet photos - as you know, we went there and I kept saying WOW at every new view! I hope you get your garden sorted before next week comes.
27 Aug, 2008
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welcome home,pleased to hear you had a great time in france. get stuck into that garden so we can see what you brought back :-)
26 Aug, 2008