sunshine at last!
By gwendas
Hi anyone who’s signed on today!
Just got a few minutes before going out into the garden where it’s actually sunny! And it’s forecast good for next few days! Can,t wait to get all those niggling jobs – especially weeding – done!
Also a friend is coming to help me dig out under hedge so new projects starting today.
Hope to pay a visit to my favourite garden centre later too for some colchicums and a very large cake! The cafe is as good as the plants!
28 Aug, 2008
Previous post: thankyous
Next post: a whole day gardening!
You really are lucky, Gwenda - it is a bit drizzly here - and I've got my daughter and grandson staying. We'll just have to dress for the weather to go out, I suppose. Enjoy it while it's there!
28 Aug, 2008
It's just dull here in Kent. But i will be going out into the garden very soon.
28 Aug, 2008
It's grey here again in Bristol today and we have a fund raising day for a local community centre, so let's hope the rain stays away.
28 Aug, 2008
It was very dull here this morning, now the sun is trying to break through, but it is very warm. I should start to rake the leaves off the lawn.
28 Aug, 2008
Needless to say it's bright and sunny here but this is not England. Have a great few days in your garden. Wish I could join you at the cofee shop, the garden centres don't do that here. I won't see my garden for a few days so it won't get watered. We are off to Slovakia soon.
See you and your gardens when I get back!!!
28 Aug, 2008
Eileen did u have trouble loading your pics this morn? i cant get mine2up load ? :/
28 Aug, 2008
Looks like a good day here again, Tropical storm Fay has finally died. 5 inches of rain at our house over the last 3 days. No trees down and looks like only minor damage to the plants. Will start clean up today.
28 Aug, 2008
A coffee shop at the hardware store! What will they think of next? I am amazed they haven't done this here, maybe we are just a little behind the times!
28 Aug, 2008
It's been dull and grey here all day, and cold aswell. Everything in the garden is soaking wet. I hope your sunshine lasted Gwendas, and that you didn't find the garden centre closed down like the one I visited yeaterday.
Best wishes, Hywel
28 Aug, 2008
You know Hywel, if you don't get some sunshine soon Blodyn is gonna start growing webbed feet! LOL
28 Aug, 2008
LOL She's out in the rain a lot already and comes in soaking wet. lol
28 Aug, 2008
Well, this afternoon while out at the Animal Park with my daughter and grandson, the sun shone - for at least 10 minutes! How ridiculously pleased I was to see it!
28 Aug, 2008
A whole 10 minutes Spritzhenry ? Well that's 10 minutes linger than it did
28 Aug, 2008
don't hold your breath, rain is on it's way.
29 Aug, 2008
i hope not daff, forecast for here this weekend is for sunshine woooooooo hoooooooooo, lets hope they are right
29 Aug, 2008
Not even 10 minutes' sun today. Just grey cloud. I'm glad it didn't rain, though, as we went for a trip out with my daughter and grandson while they are with us. Any hope of sun for us tomorrow too Irish?
29 Aug, 2008
Recent posts by gwendas
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- Hello to old and new friends on GOY
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- First blog for weeks!
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- Early summer sunshine
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- What a difference a week makes!
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- Off to sunnier climes (I hope!)
11 Apr, 2009
lucky you Gwenda getting some sunshine, still dull over here
enjoy your visit to the garden centre , esp the cake lol
28 Aug, 2008