By gwendas
Dear All
What can I say? Thankyou for your support and words of advice and comfort.
I’ve got lots of great supportive ‘touchable’ friends locally (if you know what I mean!)
but I’m so glad to be part of GOY and it’s gardening world and really appreciate you all taking time out to make me feel better about things. Yesterday was a real low day but despite another dreary rainy day today I feel a bit stronger about things.
Spoke to my son Dominic today and he’s just finished some of his 3rd year exams in Chemistry which he feels quite positive about and has got an appointment with someone at the uni to discuss funding for next year with possibility of paid work in the uni labs – so fingers crossed everyone please!
I sent off an application form today to the Council for a job – so toes crossed too please that I at least get an interview!
And ‘more importantly’ I’ve thought about growing some strawberries and tomatoes in hanging baskets on my patio and potatoes in large bins and maybe a few other things – any suggestions welcome – that hopefully I can fit in to a busy working life?
It’s funny how I can now tackle things practically having admitted to you all how bad I was feeling. In the end you just have to get on with things don’t you? And I love this new found love of gardening so will fit it all in somehow!
Thankyou again
Jo x
27 Jan, 2009
Previous post: Gloomy January.
Next post: Snow!
~ that's brilliant Jo~
I know it is hard going keeping them in Uni these days as the fees etc get ever more expensive.Caz finished owing a lot to the student loans company but in the end once you have that vital piece of paper it is all worth it!no one can take it away!
~keep your chin up and I am sure everything will sort itself out somehow!
best wishes
27 Jan, 2009
Glad you are feeling more positive now..this is not an easy month,but things start to look up,as you will know,when the daylight increases.Well done...spring is around the corner.
27 Jan, 2009
This week is supposed to be the one which is the most depressing - so it's all UPWARDS from here on, Jo!
Chin up and smile - we all care and hope that things go well for you.
Here's a virtual hug for you. ( ) XX
27 Jan, 2009
awwww things sound on the up already , thats brilliant xx
27 Jan, 2009
~what about a mushroom kit? When i was in Wyevale today I saw this potato grow kit of 2 plastic hessian type flat pack containers which open out , you fill with soil ,and various small packs of seed potatos to go in them.Would not take a lot of room or effort but new potaoes!!!!?
27 Jan, 2009
I think things don't seem so bad after you admit them. - "A problem shared is a problem halved " - that's true I find.
Have you tried taking St Johns Wort tablets. I find them very good. They help me a lot with feelings of panic and anxiety. They'll help with low feeling aswell ( but I don't generally suffer with that in the winter. It's usually August for me. lol ) They might be worth a try. They won't do you any harm anyway.
Anyway I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and that we all helped :o)
27 Jan, 2009
Hi, I just read your blog about SAD, sorry to hear you have been feeling down, I know exactly what you mean. I am glad that things are taking a turn for the better. Have you thought about investing in one of those lamps? They are pretty expensive but apparently they help.
About the St Johns Wort tablets, please ask your doctor before you start taking them, they can do some people some harm!! If you are on any other form of medication they can interfere with the way it works and have adverse effects.
Getting out and doing something positive in the garden does it for me, however when it's raining its not that much fun, I tend to go indoors and look online for plants and try to plan what to do in the garden when I can get out there.
Stay positive and Spring is on the way, yeah!!!
28 Jan, 2009
Well Done Jo 4 keeping Your Chin up & Thinking Positive :) so glad u sound Happier 2day"Well Yesterday " :) Big Hug & Luck for That Job & Your Sons Lab Work 2 :) X this is an Extra Cross 2 go with My crossed Fingers&Toes! LOL & This 1 is a Kiss X lol
28 Jan, 2009
I have to agree with Hywel, that a problem shared is a problem halved, good luck hope thing go well for you now.
28 Jan, 2009
I have my fingers and toes crossed for you and your son Gwendas , things sound more hopefull today ... Big hugs for you .... XX good luck ...
28 Jan, 2009
Valerian or melatonin help too...St. Johns Wort becomes very active in your sytem and can affect other drugs as said above.
I took them while my husband was sick for a couple of years..had to stop it as it was causing trouble...but it did help in the beginnings......and I needed the two ways about it...
29 Jan, 2009
I came across this little gem whilst researching a plant identification for another member. It is Ocimum sanctum, Tulsi or Holy Basil and has been used in India for centuries as a health benefit. It is used for lowering blood sugar and is used in treatment for Type 2 diabetics, lowering cholesterol, digestion remedies and relieving stress and well being and helps in weight loss. It can be taken as a tea or in pill/capsule form and I have bought some seeds and some capsules because i suffer from Type 1 diabetes, Chronic Kidney disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, depression and all of the above and I am willing to give it a go!! I am of course going to see my doctor to confirm it is ok, but I will be interested to see how it goes. Have a look on the tinterweb!!
29 Jan, 2009
I have quite a few books on herbs and their uses...should go through them has been a while since I have taken the time...interesting..but you know most of our medicines are derived from plants but only if they can then be synthesised by the pharmceutical companies...only way they can patent it and make it pay for them...
29 Jan, 2009
Recent posts by gwendas
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- Off to sunnier climes (I hope!)
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Hello Jo, so pleased you are feeling so much happier today. Good luck with the job and everything else :-)
27 Jan, 2009