Gloomy January.
By gwendas
Hello everyone,
Haven’t contributed much recently to GOY. Suffering from SAD and feeling a bit down. Have had to rethink my idea of doing a veg garden as I am having to look for a better paid job, despite loving working at the school, or failing that I will have to get a second job in the school holidays or evenings. My son Dominic is struggling for money at Uni and my ex-husbands job is on the line so I need to be able to help more. So with an elderly parent to also care for I can’t see me managing veg growing too! Have decided to use the planned area to grow some lovely annuals, hopefully for some cut flowers which I love, so I will be sowing the cleome seeds there and scattering the seed mixtures from Monet’s Garden. Hopefully Summer will be a hot one and I’ll get lots of surprises from the unknown mix!
Have treated myself to another Camellia – a yellow variety potted up next to the pink one out front with lots of buds on – roll on Spring!
Also bought a pink one for my dear friend Michele – took it round hers last night with some ericaceous compost but she had to supply her own pot! 2 plants for ten pounds at local nursery.
I needed some of that Spring-like colour indoors too
My little spring pots are battling through the cold and rain particularly one brave dwarf iris!
Elsewhere in the garden there are signs of life – various bulbs, a first snowdrop, beautiful Lenten Rose and buds on my new bare-rooted roses planted in November. Can’t wait to really get out there and weather permitting I will be making good use of what may be my last halfterm holiday.
Hope all is well with you all
love Jo x
26 Jan, 2009
Previous post: I've managed to get on my own laptop!
Next post: Thankyou!
hi gwendas,
sorry to read about your plight , hope everything works out for you.....................steve
26 Jan, 2009
Oh Jo - sorry to hear about your problems. Keep smiling - it's almost February and the days are getting longer!
26 Jan, 2009
Poor you, hopefully things will improve soon! Best to leave the veg plot for another year, you dont want to put more pressure on yourself as they are time consuming, aren't they. I think the most depressing day of the year passed last week and Spring is only just around the corner :-)
26 Jan, 2009
hI Jo
~ rather than you taking on extra work ~could your son do some bar work or similar at weekends?~my daughter did it in her first two years but not in her final year and got a first at Bath!
26 Jan, 2009
Keep your chin up Jo,and put in lots of colour for those times when you can relax,I have said I like this blog and I,m not being unfeeling,you might be down at moment but you also sound positive which is good,All the best with whatever you decide
26 Jan, 2009
Sorry to hear you're SAD - only solution is to look on the bright side. You've probably told yourself things like "Nothing's as bad as it seems." "Things will look up." In fact you're probably sick of hearing them, but they are true! I speak from experience! Things WILL look up and you'll look back and realise what courage and fortitude you showed when needed. Take it easy and make sure you have some "me" time along the way. Chin up - the sunshine is only just behind the nearest cloud.
27 Jan, 2009
Big Hug Gwedas hope all works out ok its awful when bad things seem2come all @once :( When i feel down i treat myself2plants 2:) Uv a lovely collection there 2 look forward to come the Spring/Summer .The Rain&Cold is so depressing i know how u feel .Lucky Hedgehogs&Tortoises x
27 Jan, 2009
hi Gwedas, sorry to hear that things arnt too good at the moment, all the predictions are for a long hot summer this yr so im looking forward to that.
how about working from home ? like selling on e.bay or other sites like it
27 Jan, 2009
Hi Jo, I'm sorry to hear of your problems. Spring won't be too long now , and then maybe you'll feel better. I hope you can sort something out with regards to your finances.
All the best, Hywel.
27 Jan, 2009
I think your using the right treatment - friends and retail therapy! Hope the sun shines soon.
27 Jan, 2009
Thankyou all for lovely supportive comments - have written on my blog tonight to you all.
Great ideas - might look at e-bay idea - working from home to suppliment income does appeal - easier to keep an eye on Dad.
Have been keeping up with my vitamins - you especially need to keep immune system boosted working in school environment!
Dom already works through all his holidays and is now in his 3rd year of 4 in Chemistry so his uni workload is weighing heavily.
Still very rainy here today but feeling a bit more positive and you all have contributed to that. Thankyou x
Love Jo x
27 Jan, 2009
OMG So sorry for all your troubles.Think that SAD often dismissed but it is a real thing whichaffects people to greater and lesser degrees, Hope you soon feel better..certainly the lighter days make a difference.Spring is on the way....x
27 Jan, 2009
I,m sorry to hear you have been under the weather Gwendas , it,s a difficult time for anybody when their child is at Uni . the expense etc. even more so if you have a parent to look after as well , keep your chin up you will get through it , at the end of the day you will have a son to be proud of ....x
I hope you will soon feel better :o)
28 Jan, 2009
Recent posts by gwendas
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- Off to sunnier climes (I hope!)
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26 Jan, 2009