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Gwendas's Garden

Gwendas has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

'Fond Memories'

Added on 7 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis sieboldii.

Lavender-rose large single blooms from June-September in container with willow wigwam may go up by stone bench i...


Added on 20 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Narcissus.
Species: Narcissus miniature.

Hope to see these fragrant bright yellow trumpets in late February!

'Ruby Mantle' sedum

Added on 23 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Sedum.
Species: Sedum spurium.

Spreading mat of purple-red foliage with deep pink flower heads in early summer. Wanted to add that deep red col...

African Blue

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Species: Basil.

Dark green leaves with purple veins and long pink flower spikes.


Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Astrantia.
Species: Astrantia major.

For dappled shade border near hedge


Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Alchemilla.
Species: Alchemilla erythropoda.

Alpine form. In front garden in partial shade.

Alilum suitable in shade

Added on 20 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium paradoxum.

For shady border by hedge. Small variety for front of border which tolerates shade.

Alpine 'E.K.Balls'

Added on 23 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Sisyrinchium.
Species: Sisyrinchium.

Alpine for the side of drive- mauve yelloweyed flower spikes from spring to early autumn. If successful may buy ...


Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: amalanchier ballerina.

amelanchier lamarkii

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Amethyst on Ice

Added on 31 Jul, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Centaurea.
Species: Centaurea.

Very decorative dark purple centre with white petals in 'hot' border.

Anemone blanda

Added on 23 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Anemone.
Species: Anemone blanda.

little alpine version for driveway raised border


Added on 19 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Anemone.
Species: Anemone x hybrida.

For front garden


Added on 30 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Angelonia.
Species: Angelonia serena lavender pink.

looks lovely grown under my potted olive tree - pink flowers against the gray bark and foliage.

another sedum

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Sedum.
Species: Sedum spathulifolium.

purplish foliage in the rockery

aqualegia clementine

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

aqualegia woodside gold

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Atro Purpurea

Added on 8 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Cryptotaenia.
Species: Cryptotaenia.

Again from the Royal Cornwall Show 09 from the W.I. for my shady border. Lovely foliage.

Autumn Joy

Added on 23 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Sedum.
Species: Sedum 'Herbstfreude'.

For the new brick bee planter.

Ben Frada

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Helianthemum.
Species: helianthemum.

Ben More

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Helianthemum.
Species: helianthemum.

in my rockery garden up the driveway

Bishop of Aukland

Added on 7 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia Pinnata.

Another dark dahlia for summer border

Bishops Form

Added on 31 Jul, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Erodium.
Species: Erodium x variabile.

Mat forming producing masses of pink flowers into late summer. To add colour in driveway border.

Black Barlow

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: Aquilegia vulgaris.

Double, near black flowers for screen border.

Black Bird

Added on 23 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: Euphorbia.

another lovely reddish one to bring out colour of Cornish stone wall.

Black Jack

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Primula.
Species: Primula auricula.

Powdery grey leaves die down in Autumn and return in Spring. Scented deep burgundy flowers with yellow rimmed wh...

blue angel

Added on 14 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Ilex.
Species: ilex meserveae.

small bushy female holly. Dark glossy green leaves on purple tinged stems. Hoping for red berries! Sun or shade....

Blue Dragon

Added on 8 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Species: W. Corydalis.

Got this from the W.I. tent at The Royal Cornwall Show 09!
Recommended by them for my shady border. Lovely dark...

Blue Ensign

Added on 7 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Pulmonaria.
Species: Pulmonaria rubra.

Lilac to vivid blue flowers in Spring. In front garden because prefers shaded spot during summer months. Leaves ...

Blue Lady

Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Helleborus.
Species: Helleborus hybridus.

For shady moist border near hedge

Blue Metallic Lady

Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Helleborus.
Species: Helleborus hybridus.

Growing these to celebrate my mum - hellebores were her absolute favourite flowers- hope they like the shady bor...

Bosvigo double

Added on 17 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Species: Hellebore.

Bought at Hellebore Day 2009 - chosen for me by Carol Klein!

bottle brush

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Callistemon.
Species: Callistemon linearis.

Bowles Mauve

Added on 19 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Erysimum.
Species: Erysimum bicolor.

Mauve/purple flowers with blue- grey foliage from late winter to early autumn. Hardy to -10 degrees.

bressingham ruby

Added on 15 Nov, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Bergenia.
Species: Bergenia.

Beautiful Autumn and Winter foliage and spring flowers. In container with Mysterious Blend tulips in waiting!

Bristol Snowflake

Added on 8 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Weigela.
Species: Weigela florida.

White flowers in Spring and second crop later. Replaced gardenia in front garden. Very easy to grow the label says!

Burgundy Glow

Added on 8 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Ajuga.
Species: Ajuga reptans.

Multi coloured foliage for ground cover in the shady front garden.

Cameo Blue

Added on 9 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: Aquilegia.

Really pretty blue and cream variety.

Cameo Pink and White

Added on 9 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: Aquilegia flabellata.

Compact variety with lovely nodding bell-shaped pink and white blooms.

Carmine pink

Added on 20 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Cyclamen.
Species: Cyclamen coum.

suitable for shady area.


Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: calmintha nepeta.

cerise queen

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Helianthemum.
Species: helianthemum.

small variety in rockery

Chat Noir

Added on 7 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia Pinnata.

Part of a group of dark dahlias for summer border. Came as tubers now potted up in greenhouse.

Chile Black

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Scabiosa.
Species: Scabiosa.

Flowering spikes of maroon flowers. Looking forward to seeing this through the Summer Spritz!

Chile Pepper

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Scabiosa.
Species: Scabiosa.

Rich plum red flowers for hot colours summer border.
Finally found one Spritz!

chocolate cosmos

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos


Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Cistus.
Species: cistus corbariensis.

cistus creticus

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

clematis etoile violette

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

late summer clematis on screen. Needs to be pruned right back in winter.

clematis montana

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

2 of these in garden. Spring flowering so don,t prune back summer growth- prune after flowering. One growing on ...

Clementine - purple

Added on 10 May, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Aquilegia.
Species: Aquilegia.

double flowers resembling a clematis flower - gorgeous deep purple.


Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Trifolium.
Species: trifolium purpuraciens.


Added on 19 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Euonymus.
Species: Euonymus alatus.

Beautiful red foliage in Autumn with purple fruits that split to reveal orange seeds. To add colour to my front ...

container rose

Added on 30 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Rosa.
Species: rosa Lady Emma Hamilton.

Beautifully scented with lovely apricot blooms in large pot by front door . Variety ok in the shade with few hou...

Coombeland White

Added on 23 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium.

White flowers with crimson veins in summer. Marbled foliage.

Coral Bells

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Heuchera.
Species: Heuchera sanguinea.

This ones for a shady border. Pretty red flowers on limey green foliage.

Cornish Candy

Added on 17 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium pratense.

Looking forward to seeing this in bloom near the hedge!

cotton lavender

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Santolina.
Species: Santolina chamaecyparissus.

creeping sedum

Added on 30 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Sedum.
Species: Sedum spurium.

creeping variety with crimson flowers

Creme Brulee

Added on 14 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Heuchera.
Species: Heuchera.

In a container so I can see the lovely orange and copper Winter/Spring foliage on the patio.

Croftway Pink

Added on 23 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Monarda.
Species: Monarda.

Pink variety for beside the new bee planter.

Crown Princess Margareta

Added on 4 Nov, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: English Rose.

A climber in back garden against wall - likes sun. Large rosettes of apricot-orange with strong fruity fragrance...


Added on 14 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Daphne.
Species: Daphne odora.

hope this will smell lovely? Likes full sun or half shade, flowers march april can't wait! Can die suddenly ...

Dark foliaged grass

Added on 28 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Uncinia.
Species: Uncinia rubra.

another grass for autumn container with cyclamen

diamond frost

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: euphorbia hybrid.

doone valley

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Thymus.
Species: thymus.

another decorative variety

Double Queen

Added on 28 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Species: Hellebore.

Pink double hellebore - couldn't resist it as it was a bargain- a late addition!

dwarf lupin

Added on 30 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: lupin dwarf gallery mixed.

lovely late summer colour


Added on 10 May, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium maculatum.

Tall clumpforming variety with red-brown foliage and pale pink flowers. Loved by bees.


Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: euphorbia purpurea.

Evening Glow

Added on 8 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Ajuga.
Species: Ajuga reptans.

Deep purplish foliage. More vigorous trailing stems than other varieties so will make good ground cover.

Fennel- Bronze

Added on 29 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Species: Fennel.

Decorative foliage for summer border.


Added on 29 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: Euphorbia griffithii.

2 of these vivid orange-red heads above green foliage for summer border.


Added on 30 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Houttuynia.
Species: Houttuynia cordata.

potted outside front door to restrict growth. Autumn colour.
Doesn't mind shade in front garden which is n...

fragrant memories

Added on 1 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Lavandula.
Species: Lavandula angustifolia.

one of a few I am trying in driveway border


Added on 28 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Fritillaria.
Species: Fritillaria meleagris.

Wanted some of these so it called to me at the GC! Hope it spreads a bit next year.

from Withy

Added on 14 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: geranium.

Buxton's variety recommended by this great nursery for a shady site in my garden.

Frozen flame

Added on 10 May, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Hebe.
Species: Hebe.

In summer pot with drumstick aliums - lovely bright pink tinged foliage.

Fuchsia magell 'versicolor'

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Fuchsia.
Species: Fuchsia magellanica.

Tricolour pink and cream foliage, purple and red flowers suitable for partial shade so in pot with dark oxalis i...

garden gnome

Added on 23 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Papaver.
Species: papaver.

brightly coloured perennial poppies for in front of new brick planter.


Added on 11 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Gardenia.
Species: Gardenia.

Hardy variety in the front garden.
June 09 - taken out and put in a container where I can nurture it! It wasn&...

Georgia Blue

Added on 9 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Veronica.
Species: Veronica longifolia.

Trailing plant for driveway border -deep blue flowers through from May to September.

geranium kashmir white

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

geranium macrorrhizum

Added on 31 Jul, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium macrorhizum.

A spreading mat-forming perennial with abundant clusters of magenta-pink flowers.

geranium nodosum

Added on 31 Jul, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium nodosum.

Spreading clump of handsome bright glossy green divided leaves and funnel-shaped lilac pink flowers. In hedge bo...

geranium patricia

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

geranium renardii

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

geranium salani blue

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

geranium summer skies

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium pratense.

geranium zonal orange fizz

Added on 16 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Gladiolus 'Ruby'

Added on 9 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Gladiolus.
Species: Gladiolus papilio.

Found this rare one at Boconnoc Spring Flower Show already growing as it doesn't grow well from dry corm app...

Gold fingers

Added on 19 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Choisya.
Species: Choisya ternata.

Can't wait to smell this! Great in sunny position but will tolerate partial shade too.

Golden creeping Jenny

Added on 23 Mar, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Lysimachia.
Species: Lysimachia nummularia.

to go in summer container as a trailing plant with sweet peas and small verbena

Golden Queen

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Trollius.
Species: Trollius chinensis - globe flower..

Buttercup-like flowers above clumps of dark green foliage.Shade loving plant so in front garden border.

Green Lavender

Added on 9 Apr, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Lavandula.
Species: Lavandula viridis.

From Jekkas - frost hardy - lime green flowers with pale green bracts. Known as lemon lavender it has culinary u...


Added on 31 Jul, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Gypsophila.
Species: Gypsophila.

Masses of dainty rose-pink flowers on a cushion of neat green foliage all summer long. On driveway raised border.

hardy orchid

Added on 5 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: Eulophia Streptopetala - stenophylla.

Was given a tuber of this hardy African orchid that a friend has outside in container. So potted it up today (ea...

hardy verbena

Added on 30 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Verbena.
Species: verbena claret.

deep red and long flowering season in sunny border.

Helena's Blush

Added on 17 Feb, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: Euphorbia amygdaloides.

Bought to add reddish foliage to the wall border.

Hermans White

Added on 1 Jun, 2009 | 0 photos

Genus: Lamium.
Species: Lamium galeobdolon.

Shade loving plant for front garden. Variegated foliage with white hooded whirls of flowers on short spikes in l...