Back again with a different name (Penn as was)
By hapenny
As I seem to be completely unable to log into my old account I’ve opened up a new one. Never mind, where was I?
Oh yes, having moved up to the North East, and with a new/different garden with the National Collection of indigenous weeds, I’ve gradually been trying to reclaim it. There are still areas under weed suppressant fabric – and will be for some time, but at least some of it is….gardenable.
So one of the first things I planted were a couple of hellebores that I bought up from our old house. I love hellebores and they did very well before in clay-ey soil and under trees. The soil here is rather – well – confused, and there are fewer trees, but we have success! I’ve included some photos of the blooms on a couple of the more established plants (also photos of my fingers).
We had three gloriously sunny days last week, but despite what the weather forecasts have said (warm and sunny, next to no cloud) for the past few days it’s been very overcast, gloomy and chilly. Hence I haven’t done much except….. I CLEARED OUT BOTH MY COMPOST BINS!!!! Feeling virtuous, moi? One is one of those tumbler contraptions – which is theoretically fine, but requires the muscles of an Olympic weightlifter to do the actual tumbling. However with a lot of pulling and some squatting calisthenics I managed to get it to, errrrr, tumble.
The other is a hotbin. Which would work wonderfully…. if only my other half didn’t keep putting kitchen compostables in it.
Obviously the kitchen compostables SHOULD go in, but also the woodchip and the shredded paper – which he doesn’t put in so it all turned into a gooey mess.
But now both compost bins are up and running and, hopefully working properly…….
5 Mar, 2025
Yes, good luck with your garden. Love the Helebores, especially the top one, a pity it hangs it head down & one has to tip it up to see its beauty.
5 Mar, 2025
Welcome back, how lovely starting from scratch again, I like the descriptive way you had telling about your experiences with the compost bins, I used to dream about owning one of the tumbler ones but was warned not to bother because I wouldn't ever manage to turn it, I love working with my compost bins, its great when they're working properly, horrible yukky mess when not, I learned that the hard way many moons ago by adding too many fallen apples in one go....Hellebores are putting on a very fine show in my garden this year, you have some pretty ones, saying that I fo agree with F'few about them hanging their heads, I find it difficult to get a decent photograph....
Good luck with it all and mainly enjoy....
6 Mar, 2025
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You made me smile when saying about the compost bins!
Nice to see you back on here and love the Hellebores.
Good luck with your gardening, or should I say weeding! lol
5 Mar, 2025