what a mess!!!
By hchristy
i have realised just how lazy i have been this year on the garden and after deciding to go and do a bit of a tidy up have noticed just how much bind weed i have in my garden hidden by overgrown plants. its everywhere and now i have noticed one patch im seeing it everywhere. im quite dissapointed in myself for letting it get in this mess and need to crack on with what feels like an impossible mission. its not a small garden either. ive managed to keep one area nice and tidy that is used on a regular basis but the rest well im ashamed. so im going to be off to buy the strongest weed killer i can get my hands on and start trimming back the monstrous bush out the back. the grass is full of dandelions the fruit trees need trimming back and a couple i have noticed are leaning to one side. i desperatly need to sort out the edging for my flower borders but as ive looked at the cost its pretty expensive. so enough moaning about it im off to do what i should of done a long time ago….. MY garden
7 Sep, 2012
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Don't worry ... you can blame the weather. That's what I do lol and it's true. We've had a very wet summer, and there've been few days when anyone could do much outside.
Anyway, I hope you get it all under control soon :o)
7 Sep, 2012
Yes, blame the weather. Ours got quite out of hand too, and we actually hired someone to cut the hedges this week and it took him all day, working extremely hard - he wouldn't even have stopped for lunch if I hadn't taken him a sandwich. Lawn edging, rogue geraniums, willowherb, you name it...
7 Sep, 2012
That bindweed has a way of sneaking up very fast. I was just deadheading some flowers last weekend and noticed bindweed wrapped around the trunk of a small tree. And yet I hadn't even noticed it the day before!
7 Sep, 2012
i spent yesterday taking on 8 foot bindweed and inch thick brambles in my mothers garden.....made a little headway but soo much more to chop back...but i love doing it at this time of year because at least it has started to slowdown so i just might get the better of it...good luck with your garden ..:-)
7 Sep, 2012
i have never sprayed so much weed killer in my life i just hope it works. i was just going to pull some up but thought i best kill the roots off too or uill be facing the same problem next year. next door has finally been auctioned off and the brambles whih stand taller than me and are forever reeping into my garden will hopefully be cut down. i just wander who my new neighbour will be i hope they like gardening to keep what is currently a mass of rubbish and huge weeds under control.
im glad its not just me with all these weeds i dont feel quite as bad now thanks everyone.
9 Sep, 2012
Around here there used to be ironstone workings. The men who worked there said the tunnels were 40 feet underground, and as they walked along in them the Bindweed roots brushed their heads. Yes, they go down as deep as that. Hope you havent killed off any plants with the weedkiller, as it kills in a 3 foot radius.
Good luck.
Hope you get a new gardening neighbour.
Let us know what happens.
9 Sep, 2012
Good grief Diane!
Your new neighbours are brave Hchristy - I hope they clear if all away in short order!
9 Sep, 2012
im still tackling all the weeds seems never ending im hoping to get some pics online soon so people can see how much work i need to do and then hopefully get a few suggestions on what would look good. looking at everyones elses pictures gives me a vision of what i would like then i come back down to earth and realise that its a long way off. but hopefully a few pics and knowing people can see what is being done will make me work harder to achieve my goal. its harder than i thought it would be and i am an amateuer so its very hit and miss. but one good thing is when i look at next doors garden i do feel like mine is a palace lol.
25 Sep, 2012
Recent posts by hchristy
- photos as promised
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- desicions, desicions
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- the mess next door!!
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- a few pics
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- hard work
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- long time no see
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Hope you can get on top of it soon hchristy!
7 Sep, 2012