photos as promised
By hchristy
i promised i would take some more pics so you are able to name a few for me and to give you a wider scope of my garden
this one is an agapanthus (hope i spelt it right) i have two large pots of these
not sure of this one but love my jamsine in the background
this one is a clematis which has grown a bit wild need to do some harsh trimming back on this one.
these few im not that sure on the names
this is a view from the bottom of my garden looks a bit of a mess i know big pile ready to be burned from my trimming of hedge other day
my little apple tree
my pear tree first fruit since ive had it but leaves seem to have black spots any ideas?
not sure what this is
this is my lovely honeysuckle which has put up with brambles fighting there way through from next door and being yanked back out again with a rake. i think its survived pretty well
well i hope you enjoyed them pics shows you just a bit of whats going on in my garden as you can see an aweful lot to get done. just cutting the grass would be an improvement but as its been so wet and the ground is not level we use a strimmer which is very heavy so just waiting for that one nice sunny day
4 Oct, 2012
Previous post: desicions, desicions
And number 5 is an inula
4 Oct, 2012
I was quite confident the Clematis was 'My angel' until I saw the photo today of Clematis - Korean Beauty' ?
4 Oct, 2012
I agree number 4 is Anemone one of my favourites! I think 7 is Phlox and 5 is definately Inula, some great plants and how nice to have an Apple and Pear Tree;0))
4 Oct, 2012
thanks for the answers. yeah its nice to have fruit trees ive also got a cherry and a duo plum tree but had no fruit on them yet. down bottom of garden growing up along my fence i have a kiwi plant which has grown mad but no fruit but hopefully will get some eventually. the bottom half of garden im calling my mini orchard, with all the fruit trees and im doing flower beds up along sides for some colour.
5 Oct, 2012
Wish I had room for a mini Orchard, I do have a wild plum which did very well last year but not a thing this year;0(
5 Oct, 2012
Recent posts by hchristy
- desicions, desicions
2 Oct, 2012
- the mess next door!!
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- a few pics
25 Sep, 2012
- hard work
25 Sep, 2012
- what a mess!!!
7 Sep, 2012
- long time no see
13 Jun, 2012
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You have some great shrubs, 2 I recognise, No 3 is Clematis "My Angel"(Tangutica group; aka Engelina) and no 4 is an Anemone Honorine Jobert. I think 7 and 8 may Penstemon or Phlox paniculata?
4 Oct, 2012