Do not look if you're easily upset!!!
By helenium
Rather gory – I apologise in advance if anyone is upset by this photo, it’s not very nice and not what us gardeners’ want to see – especially with bees. I was shocked to say the least when I saw this yesterday morning. I’ve never seen this before. Round the leaf is the slime track of a slug – I know they have thousands of teeth, but…really? I have seen bees resting on flowers and leaves – is it possible that they attack bees while they rest at night? – surely not! What about a spider doing this? Maybe someone can shed some light on this horror!
28 Aug, 2013
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Hope not Hywel it's a bit gruesome.
28 Aug, 2013
"Nature cruel in tooth an claw" but do they really have all those teeth.....!
After last years awful snailfest maybe you've hit on the reason for the demise of the bees. :0(
29 Aug, 2013
Hiya Pam, unfortunately for our hostas' etc, they do have thousands of tiny teeth. Some slugs eat other slugs - I think it's the huge paler ones with the brown markings, but not 100% sure, but whichever one it is, every little bit helps the gardener. You would think the bee would get away from a slug - but they are fast!
I'm going to edit my blog and put thousands of teeth instead of 3000, although I'm sure I did read that estimated number somewhere!
29 Aug, 2013
and I thought they were vegetarians not cannibals!
Its the thought of all those teeth.......
29 Aug, 2013
I thought so too, Pam. Good job we're not on their menu!!!!!
29 Aug, 2013
Probably a carniverous wasp.
30 Aug, 2013
Never thought of those, Bulbaholic.
30 Aug, 2013
I don't know what would have done that. I hope it doesn't do it again :o(
28 Aug, 2013