By helenmartin
will sumbody plz tell the snails that my plants are not for them 2 eat!!!!!!! i carnt put pellets down as i have pets, i carnt stand on them as i feel cruel…….ive also found out that they carnt fly!!!!
1 May, 2012
Next post: rain!!!!
I`ve willed them away Helen, lol...
1 May, 2012
Gardeners question time on the radio mentioned something about sheeps wool being used,. It appears its the lanolin in the wool that deters the snails,
You may find it on their website I can,t remember the name for it
1 May, 2012
I'm cruel, I do stand on them, no good throwing them over the fence they'll come back and bring loads more with them....
1 May, 2012
I collect them up and put them in the bin!! OH either stamps on them or covers them in salt - yuk!
1 May, 2012
Eggshells deter them....anything sharp or prickly will certainly keep them at bay. I have the same problem only mine live in the climbers on the walls. I do you pellets though Helen, for the slugs, I have animals too and have found they never bother with them.
1 May, 2012
I have 4 hedgehogs who love leftover cat biscuits...and snails!!! Lucky me! Although it's gettting to "that time of year" they're sooo noisy!!!
1 May, 2012
The product is called 'Slug gone' and I have used it for a few years now,but it was formerly sold under another name,till this past couple of years..I find it excellent..and also organic....I dug mine into the soil in early March,but effective at any time..young emerging Delphiniums are one of their favourite foods,and never had a problem with them being eaten,or anything else either...quite expensive though,but so are new plants...maybe you could google it,for information..
1 May, 2012
Oh I can remember putting salt down for snail races as a kid, it made them move faster, lol...
1 May, 2012
Oh Lincs that made me smile, I think I`d move faster if somebody put salt on me
1 May, 2012
Doesn't help this year, but in winter you can often find them hibernating in groups, stuck onto pots or anywhere sheltered. You can pick them off and get rid while they are fast asleep. I used to collect them in a carrier bag and put them in the bin at our last house. (There were literally hundreds of them everywhere!)It didn't feel so bad when they were unconscious.
At this house we are luckier as we had thrushes who found a lot of them - all we found were bits of broken shell by a stone in the border.
1 May, 2012
I'm always telling the snails not to eat my plants but they don't listen ;o)
I catapult them into the field behind the garden, but I think they know their way home ...
2 May, 2012
Snails do fly then Helen......especially in Hywels garden.....:0)
2 May, 2012
I saw a programme where they put markers on them,and when thrown some distance,some did get back 'home' !
You need to throw them further,Hywel Lol...A new Olympic event ,maybe ? :o)
2 May, 2012
I get enough practice lol :D
2 May, 2012
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I hope the snails have obeyed commands and gone away ! ;o)
1 May, 2012