In the first place...
By hila
Well yesterday I spent all day digging up my back garden..(its not that big 1 meter wide by 2.8 meter long) The rest of the back is paved so I will be dedicating that to much container gardening.
Last year I tried growing potatoes and various other vegetables but they just wasnt enough lsunlight for them so they fared very poorly and what little actually came up was just eaten by slugs and snails. This was before my neighbor kindly told me of pellets to keep them from eating your plants.
Anyway the realisation has been that the back are of my garden really has little light thus I needed to get shade tolerant plants. Which I researched online and then went to my local garden center to purchase some. This resulted in me deciding to turn over the soil and mix it with some compost before planting out.
I am very pleased with how it looks so far and will be posting some pictures soon. Oh and I also painted the wooden fence around my back and my it does look good with a fresh lick of paint. I got a hanging basket (an impulse buy as it was on sale for 49p) and am looking forward to making up for summer. I leave with you with one question thought, its great to have a forum like this doodle my thoughts on gardening…because i think about it a lot and i love it…though i accept that probably noone is going to read this.
Hila x
14 Apr, 2009
More blog posts by hila
Next post: 'You've gone gardening mad!' said the storekeeper
Well i'm another thats read your blog, so welcome to GOY & good luck with your garden, as oldblueyes says this is the best place for gardening as everyone help each other.
14 Apr, 2009
And another, you will be amazed at how many people read the blogs, and you can learn a lot from them! welcome to the site and good luck with your gardening, do post some photos when you can.
14 Apr, 2009
welcome to GOY...I personally read every blog posted daily. I don't always comment but I do read...Its hard catching up if I miss a day but I do catch up out of fear of missing good advice or amazing pictures...or even a fun story. you will find this site is addicting.
14 Apr, 2009
Now you know how wrong you were, Hila. Welcome to the club - and I know I won't be anywhere near the last.
14 Apr, 2009
i love reading everybodies blogs
x x x
14 Apr, 2009
So what did you buy? you cant say you bought plants and not tell us thats teasing lol.
14 Apr, 2009
Its a treat to read all the blogs. I love it. I bet you will too.
14 Apr, 2009
I call it my indoor gardening ,it keeps me occupied and I,m entertained and learning at same time,yes I,m addicted ................
14 Apr, 2009
I'm glad you wrote the blog Hila because I really enjoyed reading it, and getting a buzz off your enthusiasm and the fun you were having turning a shady back garden into your own little bit of paradise.
Slugs have been exceptionally bothersome recently because the last two summers were unusually wet and cool even for the UK - perfect weather for creatures that slide about on a trail of slime.
What kind of pellets did your neighbour recommend? There's an organic kind called 'advanced slug killer' that aren't poisonous to children and birds they work just as well as the dangerous kind, they kept the slug damage down in my veggie patch last year.
This year I decided to try the nemaslug treatment, a powder containing tiny nematodes that you water into the soil every six weeks, so far the results have been good. Although I did start to notice new slug damage towards the middle of the fifth week.
15 Apr, 2009
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Welcome Hila,
You are wrong to think that no one will read your blog, everyone who is on Goy reads blogs and usually posts helpful answers.
The people on this site range from people who garden on a balcony to people who garden several acres or more, every aspect is covered.
It is invaluable to anyone just starting out, I wish I had access to this kind of help when I was first entering the wonderful world of gardening.
Best of luck with your planting and enjoy.
Take care.
14 Apr, 2009