A funny thing happened on my way to the car...
By hmhb
We were on our way to the car, about to take the Garden Tour at Norton Art Gallery. As we rounded the corner of the house, where I am working on a “Cactus Corner,” (pictures to come), I looked down at a little cactus and wondered how the heck that artificial bloom got back on there… here’s the rest of the story.
Jennifer, our first-born, and great companion at rummage sales and estate sales, plant events, etc., had picked up the above aquarium load of cactus from a cheerleader rummage sale and presented it to me as a “surprise.” It supposedly was some sort of science project, (landscape poster glued to the back of an aquarium), and the little darlin’ had glued flowers on the plants. So, I set about removing the artificial blooms that had been applied by hot glue; several pricked fingers later, they were all removed with knife, clippers, shears, etc. a task indeed! An hour or so after that, I was pleased with the potting transfers of clean bare plants.
Yesterday, Ron and I moved all the plants from the greenhouse to outside and strategically arranged them in my new “cactus corner,” very pleased with the aesthetic appeal.
Today, on the way to the car, I was admiring the plants! Puzzled that I had somehow overlooked one of the paper flowers, I bent down to brush it off. Nope! Stuck. So, risking pricks again, I reached downto pluck it out – BEHOLD, it has a stem, and the bloom itself is soft and cushy. A REAL LIVE BLOOM!
Speaking from experience, WONDERS NEVER CEASE! Neither does laughter…
11 Apr, 2010
More blog posts by hmhb
Previous post: Spring has arrived!
Next post: Cactus Corner Complete (Container cactus)
Very pleased for you.your daughter obviously gave the cactus the right idea, lol......
11 Apr, 2010
That's a great story :o)) I love cacti. Isn't it wonderful when they flower.
12 Apr, 2010
I am still laughing about that flower... Hywel, I found out the name, the name I can pronounce is "Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria, Pediocactus)." I went out and looked at it this morning; while most of the spikes are straight like pins, some of them might be leaning toward a "fishhook" appearance. The cacti as a whole are fun!
12 Apr, 2010
Be cateful of the hooked ones. They're difficult to get out of your skin - very painful.
12 Apr, 2010
I will thanks! I'm trying to learn how to handle them...
12 Apr, 2010
Recent posts by hmhb
- It's all about wonder
19 Jun, 2010
- Yes, we can root cacti!
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- It all started when...
13 May, 2010
- Cactus Corner Complete (Container cactus)
19 Apr, 2010
- Spring has arrived!
1 Apr, 2010
- Before Bloom, The Last Chapter
15 Mar, 2010
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A lovely surprise! :~))
11 Apr, 2010