By jacque
Today iv been collecting more seeds from my garden as lots of the plants are dyeing off now so iv lots 2 choose from & Collect :) Its was the Snapdragons “Antirrhiums” turn 2b picked2day:)
iv been waiting for this 1 colour 2set seed for me as i love it ,I want a bed full of them next Summer ,So i collected LOADS!
As you can see:) Well im wondering if You/Any 1 knows which Plants dont come true colour 2 the Parent plants?I Know Foxgloves dont but how many more DONT?
Myself&Others im sure would be so grateful for any answer2this Blog?
Many Thanx Jacq X
2 Oct, 2008
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Wow!! so does this mean that the Pink Dwarf Lupins iv grown from my Pink Lupin Plant will come out all different colour plants due2my Little Friends the Bees/Butterflys ect Trees&Things? :)
2 Oct, 2008
Well done Jacque. We have done the same- and yes there may be variations. It's very exciting.We will have to compare our results next when our 'babies' come into flower!
Fingers crossed! Hope you are well.
Grenville and Alan xx
2 Oct, 2008
Hi Grenville&Alan :) im fab thanx hope u guys are doing ok with ur Busy Lifes :) Iv never grown so much stuff myself &im finding it very exciting may i say :) Iv been taking Cuttings2day &potting up My None Hardy Geraniums &tucking them in2 my Greenhouse 4 winter :) il post sum pics of my Baby Lupins 2morw if weather permits that is ? :)
2 Oct, 2008
There is a good chance that they will be genetically different from the parent.
Do you have lots of different Lupins for example?
2 Oct, 2008
Hybrids revert to the original. For example I had dwarf garden sunflowers one year. The next year I had giants. The red sunflowers came back predominantly yellow with various shades of rust and orange. This is what's exciting about gardening you never know what to expect.
2 Oct, 2008
I get antirrhinums growing from seeds blown into my garden or brought in by the birds. When these plants produce seeds and new antirrhinums come up it's exciting because I never know what colour they'll be!
2 Oct, 2008
Aquilegia are renowned for not coming true to type as are any Hybrids esp F1 of pelargonium sweet pea etc.
2 Oct, 2008
I don't think they'll all be exactly like the parent ones Jacque but it should be exciting to see what comes.
3 Oct, 2008
~After being away a week I went out into the back garden and the lawn area under the bird table is full of seedlings!Aaargh! I can see the sunflower ones everywhere but lots I don't recognise ` looks like some extensive hand weeding to be done....
14 Oct, 2008
Arlene ~ With all the wet weather, I had the same thing under my bird table...
Seedlings sprouting everywhere.
I wondered if I was inadvertently growing something illegal. Lol :o)
14 Oct, 2008
~know what you mean!~
14 Oct, 2008
If we both get arrested, we can share a cell and talk about dogs and plants. :o)
14 Oct, 2008
~we will be very popular wuth the inmates~
last year in various pots I had barley and wheat and small sunflower seedlings everywhere~
I get the seed in big sacks and supplement with robin and blackbird food from Wyvale which has oats~going into biofuels!
14 Oct, 2008
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it's all about sex.
Unless they are all grown in very strict conditions there is always a chance that they wont come true, due to insects and cross pollination. This brings about unpredictable results, variability i.e. small plants, tall plants, different colours etc.
But I am sure they will all be great how ever they grow.
To get plants to stay true always go for vegative propagation i.e. cuttings. Then the plant is just a clone of the parent.
My RHS level 2 course is paying off.
2 Oct, 2008