Hedgehog Liveing In My Home Made Hog House :)
By jacque
Back in Febuary this Year i decided 2 make a Hegehog House so i looked around my Garden for something 2 make it with ? HHHHHhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm nothing really i could use: / any way few days l8r my Neighbour Ann asked if i had any use of her Very Old TV/Video Cabenet? O yes i said 2 her ;) iv got just the Place for this i told her :) So off i went with some Bricks,Old Board ,Black Bin Liner,Old Tube& a Old Bath Mat !!! In 2 the Nettles iwent:)
I took a left turn here & walked into the Far Corner as thats where its best placed so iv read anyway :)
cant see it 2 good from Here Members lets get closer :)
Dont look much does it!
This is the Tube sticking out for Mr/Mrs Hedgehog 2 get In&Out
The Roof is a Old Board In a Bin Bag & underneath this is the Bath Mat making it Snug :)
I was so surprised when i checked inside the Hoggy House 2day !
I Saw Fresh & Old Droppings!!
3 Empty Snail Shells & a Half Eaten Blackberry lol :D
Well i never! i thought & it cost me not 1 Penny :) after i took all these Photos i put in Some Hay & Rotten Tree Leafs for Comfort :) Do u think he/she will like that ? BTW i wonder why The Hedgehog was`nt having his Daily Kip ?
29 Oct, 2008
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LOL im all done now Arlene :) il check again when the weather is much colder 2 see if their Hibernating ;)
29 Oct, 2008
Jacque ~
Hedgehogs might fix a TV in that cabinet...
You'll find them watching Strictly Come Dancing. Lol.
.... or do you think they prefer X Factor ? :o)
29 Oct, 2008
LOL if i see a Hedgehog Wearing a Fancy Dress/Suit we`l know which Programe they prefer 2 watch TT lol :)
29 Oct, 2008
We are delighted to inform you that this abode is now officially named 'The Hedgehog Hilton', and the hotel has been awarded a 5 star rating!
They must be in Hedgehog paradise!
Well done, and a fascinating Blog.
29 Oct, 2008
Funny, hope they use it, they are adorable!!
29 Oct, 2008
Thanks Grenville/Alan Im glad u enjoyed the Blog&up date of the Wildlife Going on`s in the Wildlife Area of my Garden :) They seem 2 be Using it Adoons but i dont know where the Hedgehog was 2 day as it was`nt sleeping in Here? :/
29 Oct, 2008
was just reading up on hedgehogs jacque and it says that hibernation is not continuous, that they usually wake up every 7 to 11 days , so maybe your one was off looking for food today
29 Oct, 2008
Thanx 4 the Info Eillen :) I dont know much about Hedgehogs Myself. i best get a Good Book On Garden Wildlife which tells me all about them :)
29 Oct, 2008
british hedgehog preservation society have a good web site jacque
29 Oct, 2008
O now theres an Idea Eillen! il check that out rite now :) Thanx
29 Oct, 2008
Well done Jacque all that effort to make him a home from home - brilliant hedgeblog.
Careful of Grenville Jacque think he maybe envious of Mr hedgehogs comfy stumpery and may move his spies in.
29 Oct, 2008
Well done, your own resident slug eater
29 Oct, 2008
I've never had a hedgehog in my garden - you are lucky, Jacque! Did you know they were about? They would be such a help with my snail problem. Has Summer found them/are you worried that she might???
29 Oct, 2008
Iv seen a Hedgehog in my front garden Spritz & took Pics of it a few months back now it was an adult :) I dont worry Summer sein it as she wont hurt it she`d just have a Sniff like she did with the 1 in my Pics :)
30 Oct, 2008
~Merlin and Harvey found one in the middle of the local golf course,it was unconcerned and they were interested but that's all!
30 Oct, 2008
I wonder why they were not there Jacque ? They usually sleep in the day I thought , ... like the one I found in my garage.
I wonder where that one went too ?
30 Oct, 2008
I think Dogs are Cleverer than we think Arlene & if their not Nasty it makes alot of difference,Hywel i looked in Hoggy Box a few Mins ago when i went outside2feed the Birds ect & Still No Hedgehog in there? :( Im worried now in case its been run over or something :/ il just keep peeking & hopefuly itl turn up:D
30 Oct, 2008
Morning Jacque.
Maybe the hedgehogs don't come back to the same place always . Perhaps they will return some day in the future.
30 Oct, 2008
U might be Rite Hywel as its quite a wildaera around where i live so maybe hes got more than 1 home just like Puss lol :)
30 Oct, 2008
Maybe hedgehog has a friend up the road whose house is made out of a different TV case and they can tune in to other programmes.
He went off to take a look at Autumn Watch. Lol.
30 Oct, 2008
LOL TT im going to go off with Mr/Mrs Hedgehog next time as i Love Autunm Watch lol :)
30 Oct, 2008
Maybe your hedgehog has gone off to be the STAR of Autumn Watch. Keep watching the programmes. You might see him next to Bill Oddie..... He'll be the one with the more prickly chin. Lol :o)
30 Oct, 2008
LOL :) iI do that TT ,I think Bill Oddies is as Cute as the Hoggy itself :)
30 Oct, 2008
I met Bill some years back when we were both guests at the same event. He is just the same face to face. Chatty. :o)
30 Oct, 2008
Lovely Man i used 2 love watching the Goodys & 2 know hes no different in person is great as it means hes not Fake :) Thanx4 telling me that TT ,How lucky of u 2 of met him :)
30 Oct, 2008
The Hoggy has a Huge Over Grown wild Area he can get into&around in My Garden Marguerite but i just dont no where it is @present ? The signs are all There but still not seen him in the Box Myself :/ As soon as he turns up il post Pics & add2this Blog :)
30 Oct, 2008
Well done Jacque, what a great idea you had, i had a hedgehog come to my garden a few years ago, it came for a few years then all of a sudden i never saw it again, your's should come back you live in the country side, & i live in a town. Let us know how you get on with it or with them.
30 Oct, 2008
Fascinating, I'd have never thought of making a hedgehog a house! Do you like them in the garden? Are they good for the plants? Maybe because I always live in town I always thought wild furry animals shouldn't be in the garden! lol
1 Nov, 2008
Well done Donnah16 ~
I'm pleased to see you found the blogs as well :o)
1 Nov, 2008
Self-appointed spokesperson for the beleaguered hogs of this isle: THANKS!
2 Nov, 2008
Im so glad u all like are interested in the Hedgohog Freindly way of my Garden :) & Raquel any wildlife i see/Find or hear in my Garden Is Fantastic i love having them all here in MY GARDEN :)
2 Nov, 2008
I remember hearing a snuffling and scuffling one night and it was a hedgehog trying to make love to our bristle broom, They like tinned catfood if you want to entice them home.
3 Nov, 2008
When I moved from London to Cambridge I noticed a little pass borrowed under the fence so I plugged it with a boulder (stupid). The next morning the boulder was pushed to one side, I thought wow 'Respect' I have loved hedgehogs ever since and have also watched them making 'big love' on my lawn.
3 Nov, 2008
Jacque you are a star , I,m so pleased they came to stay straight away so that you could see that your hard work had paid off . It,s a lovely cosy home .
I think I know why they are not there at the moment , because they have gone off to tell all the other Hoggies about the wonderful new accomadation , it will be full in the winter LOL
I like the idea of being able to check on them in the winter , with mine I can,t because the tube goes under an earth bank there home is inside it with nice dry leaves .
good idea that !
4 Nov, 2008
Lovely idea Jac! Hope Mr H comes back soon :-)
I made a bee-box a few years ago - no takers as yet - fussy little blighters......!!!
5 Nov, 2008
great idea Jacque, will have to try this here!
15 Nov, 2008
Please don't forget ~
This coming Wednesday, 19th Nov.2008 ~
BBC 1. ~ 8.30 p.m.
New TV series about transforming back gardens into wildlife havens.
Nick Knowles, Chris Beardshaw and Ellie Harrison.
15 Nov, 2008
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29 Oct, 2008