Rose Petal Perfume
By jacque
Here is a Little Memory from My Childhood Days :) Id collect Rose Petals Blown from My Mums Rose Bushes that laid on the Ground & put them into a Drinking Mug ! Then id go inside & run hot water from the Hot Tap over them ! MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm They smelt so Yummi & looked very pretty as their were so many Lovely Colours Red,White & Pink :) Id sit & stir it all up with a little Stick & then pour it all into a little Bottle :) RRrrrrrrrrrrr those were the Days :)
25 Aug, 2009
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One of my earliest memories is that when my mother was seriously ill, I was sent to stay for a few weeks in the summer with a distant aunt some miles away.
She had a garden full of dahlias. I had never seen those before. I put dahlias in jam jars with water, stirred it up and made "perfume". Lol.
If you've seen my recent blog on Cuttings in Rainwater, maybe nothing changes... :o)
25 Aug, 2009
I used to gather fallen rose petals too ( and some that weren't fallen if I remember right!) and put them in a jam with water to make 'perfume'.
Did anybody else have a ginger beer plant? That was something that kept multiplying in jam jars too I think. Don't know what it really was though.
25 Aug, 2009
I remember rose petal perfume but I think I must have done something wrong - mine always ended up a muddy colour!! Although I was a bit of a tom boy!! into mud pies and creepy crawlies!! Actually as I was typing that I was just thinking "well nothing has changed then!!" still into muddy things - gardening and creepy crawlies (getting rid of slugs and snails!!) so maybe I'm just a kid at heart!!! :-))
25 Aug, 2009
Oh that brings back lovely memories Jacque i did that to but my sisters and my self used to put talc powder & water make up a paste and rub it all over our arms, dolls everywhere.......lovely blog Jacque:~))))
25 Aug, 2009
oh jacque that does bring back memories, i did the same thing at my granparents house, happy days :o))
25 Aug, 2009
Mmmmmmmmm Wine from Hedgerows sounds very nice Bob ;) Do Dahlias have a smell TT? O Lily i think i may have picked some off the Roses 2 now i think of it !! Muddy Rose Perfume Genuisscuffy Id never heard of that 1 lol ? I love Talc even Now Mobee MMmmmmm the Johnsons Lavender 1 is my Fav :) San did u make Your Perfume after or b4 Popping The Fuchsia Buds lol ? :)
25 Aug, 2009
lmao jacque,, think i was a bit older then jacque,,, we didnt have a nice garden when i was growing up thats why i always was at my granparents house, loved being in the garden
25 Aug, 2009
Thats why ur so gardening Mad now San :)
25 Aug, 2009
yes think your right there jacque, strange but my parents have a nice garden now, never did anything before, dad got a greenhouse but never used it, i ended up growing toms in it lol
25 Aug, 2009
I made rose-petal perfume too! And elderflower as well, I love the smell of them!
25 Aug, 2009
I think Parents like to leave gardening until the Sprogs have grown up San so all their Hard work dont get Spoilt! Elder Flower sounds lovely Madp :)
25 Aug, 2009
It was! In fact, until I moved here (no bath!, :~(( ) I used to dry elderflowers & put them in my bathwater in muslin bags! Lovely smell & good for the skin too!
25 Aug, 2009
Wow! learn something new every day :)
25 Aug, 2009
Jac.... I bet my dahlias in water had a scent.... but probably not a very nice one...Lol. :o)
25 Aug, 2009
LOL i think ur rite about that 1 TT :) Long time no see How r u ,Conker,Truffle&Crocus ? :D x
25 Aug, 2009
when I was a kid me and my brothers and sister would do the same kind of thing but with lilacs. You think roses smell good you should try the lilacs that sent would stay in a jar for days.
25 Aug, 2009
MMMMMMMMmm Lilacs I love their Smell LoveG :)
25 Aug, 2009
I used to get a jam jar and fill it with slugs, snail and worms and then chase the girls with it............... Is that the same??? Lol :~))
25 Aug, 2009
lol ian,,, not quite heheeh
25 Aug, 2009
Well I put things in jam jars and sometimes (if my memory serves me right) I used to stir them round as well......... Yak :~((
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
Iv never sniffed Slugs,Snails or Worms Ian so i couldnt say if its the same or not lol :)
25 Aug, 2009
Lol :~)) The things you do when your a kid !?! Grousome..............
25 Aug, 2009
feel quite sick now, thanx for sharing that with us ian lol
25 Aug, 2009
I did that with rose petals too Jacque, smelt vile after a few weeks and my mother would chuck out my 'perfume' LOL beoght back lots of childhood memories, keeping caterpillars in jars, picking blackberries from the roadside (couldn't do that now you'd get killed on some of our roads!!)
25 Aug, 2009
Sorry San. :~((
25 Aug, 2009
its ok ian, i`ll suvive :o))
25 Aug, 2009
Fancy Making Poor San feel sick Ian ! lol , I used to love Blackberry picking 2 SK :) I wonder why we all did this with Rose Petals ? i dont remember any 1 telling me 2 do it do any of U ? :/ "My Very Confussed Face again " lol :)
25 Aug, 2009
nope dont remember anyone telling me, maybe we just put it together, we know you get rose water which my nan had, so we probably thought that was how it was made :o)
25 Aug, 2009
Me neither! I just decided to try!
25 Aug, 2009
Its was great making it was`nt it Ladies ? :)
25 Aug, 2009
Yes! I wasnt too popular when I decided to make it with my uncle's vodka tho! Lasted longer........
25 Aug, 2009
OMG lmao :D
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
Found a recipe girls!!!!!!
You Will Need the Following Materials to Make Your Own Rose Petal Perfume
1. Empty perfume bottle (or small bottle with a lid)
2. Measuring cup
3. Rose Petals
4. Bottled Water
5. Witch Hazel
6. Glycerin
7. Pan
8. Mixing bowl
9. Almond Oil
10. Vodka
11. Distilled water
12. Vanilla oil
How to Make Rose Petal Perfume
1. Place two cups of rose petals and two cups of almond oil in to a mixing bowl. Spend quite some time crushing up the rose petals and mixing them with the oil. Let it sit out over night. You may want to cover the bowl to keep insects from flying in it and getting stuck.
2. Drain out the rose petals from the oil so that only oil remains.
3. Add eight drops of oil to 2 ½ teaspoons of vodka in a new mixing bowl. Make sure you combine the two well before moving on to the next step.
4. Add ½ cup of distilled water, 3 drops of vanilla essential oil and mix thoroughly.
5. Finish off the perfume with three drops of glycerin. Mix well.
6. Pour the perfume in to your perfume containers.
7. Use on wrists, neck, or behind the ears once daily.
How to Make a Light Rose Perfume
This perfume is not as strong as the one you created above. It is perfect for those individuals that get headaches when wearing as strong odor perfume.
First, you must take about two cups of rose petals off of a rose while they are still fresh.
Second, put the rose petals in a sauce pan and add one liter of bottled water.
Third, turn your stove on high. As soon as you see that the water is about to boil, remove the pan from the heat and turn the stove off.
Fourth, drain the rose petal water in to a cup.
Fifth, add 2/3rds of a cup of witch hazel and 6 drops of glycerin. Mix it together.
Sixth, pour the mixture in to your perfume bottle and close the lid.
Other Ways to Use Your Rose Petal Perfume
1. Make home made potpourri and add some of the rose petal perfume. A few drips will do although you may have to add new drops each week.
2. Make your own home made soaps. For decoration you can leave a rose petal in the middle of the soap. Add a few drops of your rose petal perfume to the soap mixture while it is still liquid and allow it to harden.
3. Dry and crush a bunch of rose petals. Add a few drops of the rose perfume and carefully place inside a sachet.
*Roses come in many different colors. It doesn’t matter which one you use to make your perfume. If you are looking for the most attractive color perfume, you will want to use the red rose petals.
*Consider growing your own roses so that you don’t have to spend any money purchasing them. Roses themselves are also expensive to purchase.
*Make sure the roses you are interested in were not doused with pesticides. If you grow them yourself you will be sure of this. Otherwise you need to ask the nursery where you plan on purchasing them.
25 Aug, 2009
great mari, are you going to try it out? an experiment and let us know :o)
25 Aug, 2009
Will need to get some distilled water, glycerin & bottles next week! Got the rest, & I might even have the glycerin!I'll have a hunt!
25 Aug, 2009
Oh, one problem, my roses have stopped blooming!!
25 Aug, 2009
oh.. you will have to go for a walk tonight round the gardens mari lol
25 Aug, 2009
Ah but what about the pesticides?
Its too wet to pick them anyway!
25 Aug, 2009
thats true, your excused mari lol
25 Aug, 2009
AAAAwwwwwwww thats to bad :( lets keep this in Mind & all have ago next Summer Ladys :)
25 Aug, 2009
Ah...the ginger beer the bath...popping the corks....can't even remember what it tasted like
25 Aug, 2009
LOL :)
25 Aug, 2009
Oh Jacque..the memories you have evoked.Jane here.The jam jar...the rose petals and the all important water.We were creating such a perfume..yes some of it turned brown,but what the heck ! Eat your heart out Chanel ! LOL
25 Aug, 2009
Hi Jane good 2 see u on & filled with many happy child hood memorys 2 :) x
25 Aug, 2009
Couldnt resist Jacque cos this perfume making stands out so strongly in my memories ! xxx
25 Aug, 2009
I must admit it is also one i find very rewarding 2 remember 2 Jane :)
25 Aug, 2009
Amazing the lovely memories which somehow out weigh the bad Jacque !
25 Aug, 2009
Yes I know what u mean by useing those words Jane :) I remember My Dad laughing @ me dabbing the perfume behind my ears :) lol
25 Aug, 2009
Yes..was so proud of the perfume had created all on my own ! Thanks Jacque..this has helped me so
25 Aug, 2009
Glad someone else remembers the ginger beer plant Alice. I can't remember what it tasted like either but I know the Famous 5 liked it!
25 Aug, 2009
Your so welcome Jane im glad 1 of My Memorys has helped 2 trigger some of your Better 1s :)
25 Aug, 2009
OPppppppppppppp s lol seems im always Sending Dodgy Texts/Pms lately lol :D
25 Aug, 2009
It has Jacque...lovely has.Thankyou xx
25 Aug, 2009
25 Aug, 2009
You dont konw how much you helped xxxxxx
25 Aug, 2009
lol - I've heard Beryl say she used to do that aswell :o)
25 Aug, 2009
O Hywel u must tell her all about this Blog lol I think she`l smile dont u ? :)
25 Aug, 2009
Seems we all trod that path ! All love Jacque xxx Jane x
25 Aug, 2009
I wish you 2 would stop confussing me, Jane! I never know who's on!!!
Maybe its just me!!
25 Aug, 2009
Youve brought back childhood memories for me Jacque... we used to collect up the rose petals.... put them in water and leave for a few the shed, then it turned into a lovely rose scent.......i used to love seeing the wild rose hips as well in the fields near our house.........
26 Aug, 2009
I didn't like the rose hips! My brothers called them "itchy pods" & used to open them & put them down my back!!
26 Aug, 2009
Rose Hips r so pretty Holly :D & I remember My Bruv doing the Same Madp :(
26 Aug, 2009
Swines! They STILL try it, but I can run faster!
26 Aug, 2009
Hi Jac ~
Just caught up with your blog again.
News of Conker is on my Wagging Blog in heavy text...
His face is swollen one side, so it is a bit worrying...
I hope Summer is well and helping you to make your flower perfumes..... Lol. :o)
26 Aug, 2009
Oooooooooo TT im so sorry 2 hear that :( Summers been enjoying the weather&garden with me last few days which i love to see her doing :)
26 Aug, 2009
Glad to know Summer is keeping well and advising you on your gardening. :o) xxx
26 Aug, 2009
O yes shes good @ that TT ;)
26 Aug, 2009
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I used to make wine from many different things collected from the hedgerows, but my best one was rose petal wine, that was stupendous and it was a subtle pink too but that just depends on the colours of the petals used.
25 Aug, 2009